The Statistics of Trade and Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 1988

Advisory committee

6.—(1) The Head of the Department shall appoint a committee to advise Northern Ireland departments in relation to—

(a)the exercise by such departments of their functions under this Order; and

(a)such other matters as may be referred to it by the Department

(2) The committee shall consist of a chairman and not less than six other members.

(3) Before appointing the committee the Head of the Department shall consult with such bodies or persons as appear to him to be appropriate.

(4) The members of the committee shall hold office for such period and subject to such conditions as the Head of the Department may determine.

(5) The committee shall meet at least once a year.

(6) The quorum and, subject to paragraph (5), the arrangements for meetings of the committee shall be such as the committee may determine.

(7) The Department may pay to members of the committee such travelling and other expenses as the Department, with the consent of the Department of Finance and Personnel, may determine.

(9) Before requiring any returns or estimates to be furnished under this Order a Northern Ireland deparment shall consult the committee as to—

(a)the matters about which, the extent to which, and the form in which, persons carrying on undertakings are to be required to furnish estimates or returns;

(b)the purposes for which the returns or estimates furnished in pursuance of the requirement are to be used; and

(c)the extent (if any) to which such returns or estimates are to be disclosed.