Fisheries Amendment (Northern Ireland) Order 1981


2.  An oyster bed licence purporting to have been granted under section 131 of the principal Act (as originally enacted) before the date of the commencement of Article 8 shall, if (so far as relevant)—N.I.

(a)consents corresponding to those mentioned in subsection (4) of that section (as substituted by that Article) were given before that date, or

(b)the consents mentioned in that sub-section are given within the period of one year from that date,

and the consents (except a consent given by the Secretary of State or the Crown Estate Commissioners) either have been transmitted by the licensee to the Department of Agriculture or are so transmitted before the expiration of that period, be deemed to be a shell-fish fishery licence for the culture of oysters, and shall have effect as if section 131 (as substituted by Article 8) had been in force when the licence was granted, and the licence was duly granted under it (and accordingly sections 133, 135 and 137 shall apply to the licence and section 136 shall apply to the fishery to which it relates).

3.  Where any consent referred to in paragraph 2( a) or ( b) has been or is given subject to any conditions or limitations which are not specified in the licence, the licence may be varied to specify those conditions and limitations and section 133(5) of the principal Act shall not apply to that variation.N.I.

4.  Where a licence such as is first mentioned in paragraph 2 is, by virtue of that paragraph, deemed to be a shell-fish fishery licence, the Department of Agriculture after consultation with the licensee may, notwithstanding any limitation in section 133(5)( a) of the principal Act, vary the licence so as to incorporate, subject to the limits mentioned in section 133(1)( c)(ii) and (iii), a term fixing the duration of the licence and conditions about the proper formation, development and cultivation of the fishery.N.I.

5.  On the expiration of the period mentioned in sub-paragraph ( b) of paragraph 2 any oyster bed licence in the case of which the conditions mentioned in that paragraph have not been met shall cease to have effect.N.I.

6.  Where following an application made by any person before the date of the commencement of Article 8 for an oyster bed licence the Department of Agriculture had before that date caused a local public inquiry to be held under section 132 of the principal Act (as originally enacted), the Department may treat the application as an application for a shell-fish fishery licence and (if minded following consideration of the report of the person who conducted the inquiry to grant the licence) grant such a licence to the applicant without complying with section 132 (as substituted by Article 8).N.I.