Treatment of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1980


Article 4(1).


1.  A Borstal institution provided and maintained by the Secretary of State immediately before the appointed day shall on that day become a young offenders centre.N.I.

2.  Notwithstanding section 72(3) of the Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 [1968 c.34] , a person who immediately before the appointed day is serving a sentence of training in a Borstal institution shall as from that day be deemed to be serving a sentence of detention for a term of two years in a young offenders centre passed on the date on which he was sentenced to Borstal training.N.I.

3.  Where a person to whom paragraph 2 applies has immediately before the appointed day been detained in a Borstal institution for less than twelve months, the Secretary of State may at any time after the appointed day discharge that person from the young offenders centre and on such discharge that person's sentence shall expire; and for the purposes of Article 3 of the Treatment of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 [1976 NI 4] such person shall be deemed to have been discharged in pursuance of prison rules.N.I.

4.  A person who immediately before the appointed day is under supervision after his release from a Borstal institution shall on that day cease to be under supervision.N.I.

5.  A person who immediately before the appointed day is unlawfully at large from a Borstal institution shall as from that day be treated as if he were unlawfully at large from a young offenders centre.N.I.


Schedule 2—Amendments


Schedule 3—Repeals