Section 7: Offence of inviting, etc. person under 18 to play gaming machine
Section 7 inserts a new entry into the 1985 Order to create a new offence in relation to the playing of gaming machines by persons under the age of 18.
Paragraph (1) of Article 124A creates a new offence of inviting, causing or permitting a person under 18 to play anything other than a lower limit gaming machine.
Paragraph (2) of Article 124A makes it a defence for a person charged with an offence under paragraph (1) to prove that there was good reason to believe that the person under 18 had attained that age.
Paragraph (3) provides a definition for a “lower limit gaming machine” as meaning a machine installed on premises for which an amusement permit is in force and where the prize limits comply with those limits established under Article 108(7) of the 1985 Order (Use of gaming machines on other premises).
Section 7(2) of the Act inserts a new entry into Schedule 18 of the 1985 Order (Table of offences with mode of prosecution and punishments) setting the mode of prosecution for an offence committed under Article 124A as summary and the punishment as Level 5 or imprisonment for 6 months or both.2