Notes on Sections
Section 1(1) provides for the amendment of section 20 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (NIA).
Section 1(2) inserts new provisions to replace section 20 (4) (a) NIA. These clarify that the Executive Committee will have the function of discussing and agreeing on any significant or controversial matters which are outside the scope of the Programme for Government; and also where no such Programme has been approved by the Assembly and in force.
Section 1(4) inserts a new provision as section 20 (7) NIA. This permits the Department for Infrastructure or the Minister in charge of that department to take certain decisions under the Planning Act without recourse to the Executive Committee.
Section 1(8) qualifies section 20(3) NIA in respect of cross-cutting matters to provide that a Minister is not required to have recourse to the Executive Committee unless a matter affects the exercise of one or more other Ministers more than incidentally.
Section 1 (9) specifies that a matter does not affect the exercise of the statutory responsibilities of a Minister more than incidentally only because there is a statutory requirement to consult that Minister.