Explanatory Memorandum

Environmental Better Regulation Act (Northern Ireland) 2016

2016 CHAPTER 13

11 April 2016

Commentary on Sections

Part 2 – Powers of Entry and Associated Powers

Section 13: Code of practice in relation to powers of entry

Section 13 places a duty on the Department to prepare a code of practice in relation to the exercise of powers of entry and associated powers under statutory provisions under which the Department has a function related to environmental activities or protecting and improving the environment. The Department is required to publish a draft of the code, invite representations on it and consider them.

After making any necessary changes to the draft code as outlined in subsection (2)(c) the Department must then lay the code in draft before the Assembly (subsection (3)). If the Assembly does not resolve as mentioned in subsection (4), the Department must publish the finalised code in any manner that it considers appropriate and review it from time to time.

Subsection (9) provides that a person must have regard to the code of practice when exercising the powers of entry or associated powers to which the code relates. Failure to adhere to any aspects of the code would not, of itself, render a person liable to civil or criminal proceedings (subsection (10)) however, the code is admissible in such proceedings (subsection (11)) and a court or tribunal may take into account any failure of a person to comply with the duty to have regard to the code (subsection (12)).