

Supervision by supervising engineer

Supervision requirement and commissioning of supervising engineer etc.

25.—(1) A high-consequence or medium-consequence reservoir must, at all times, be under the supervision of a supervising engineer.

(2) The reservoir manager of a high-consequence or medium-consequence reservoir must, not later than 6 months after the date on which the designation of the reservoir as such takes effect (see sections 19, 20(5) and 21(7)), commission a supervising engineer.

(3) A “supervising engineer” is an engineer duly commissioned under subsection (2) to supervise the reservoir, at all times, in accordance with section 26.

(4) A reservoir manager who commissions a supervising engineer in accordance with subsection (2) must, not later than 28 days after the commissioning, give notice of it to the Department.

(5) An engineer may be commissioned as a supervising engineer if the engineer is a member of a panel of reservoir engineers established under section 102 who may (by virtue of an order under that section) be commissioned under this section as a supervising engineer in relation to the reservoir.