

Offences: construction or alteration

Offences: construction or alteration

52.—(1) Failure by a reservoir manager of a controlled reservoir to comply with the requirements in section 43(2)(a) (commissioning of construction engineer) is an offence.

(2) A reservoir manager of a controlled reservoir who fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with any of the following requirements under this Part commits an offence—

(a)the requirements in section 43(1) (notice to the Department of proposed relevant works),

(b)the requirements in section 43(2)(b) (notice to Department of commissioning of construction engineer).

(3) A reservoir manager guilty of an offence under subsection (1) or (2)—

(a)in relation to a controlled reservoir which is, at the time the offence is committed, a high-consequence reservoir is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale,

(b)in relation to any other controlled reservoir is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale.

Offences: failure to comply with safety direction in safety report, preliminary certificate or final certificate

53.—(1) Failure by a reservoir manager of a controlled reservoir without lawful excuse to comply with any of the following requirements under this Part is an offence—

(a)the requirements in section 46(1) (ensuring compliance with direction in safety report as to taking of safety measure),

(b)the requirements in section 50 (ensuring compliance with preliminary certificate or final certificate).

(2) A reservoir manager guilty of an offence under subsection (1) is liable—

(a)on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or to a fine, or to both,

(b)on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum, or to both.

(3) Section 74 makes provision as to further remedies available on conviction of an offence referred to in subsection (1)(a).

Defences: offences under section 53(1)

54.  It is a defence to a charge in proceedings under section53(1) for the person to show both—

(a)that the failure to comply with the requirements concerned was as a result of an accident which could not reasonably have been foreseen or natural cause or force majeure which was exceptional and could not reasonably have been foreseen, and

(b)that the person—

(i)took all practicable steps to prevent an uncontrolled release of water from the reservoir,

(ii)took all practicable steps as soon as was reasonably practicable to rectify the failure,

(iii)provided particulars of the failure to the Department as soon as practicable after the failure arose.