  1. Introductory Text


    1. 1.General functions of Department with respect to development of land

    2. 2.Preparation of statement of community involvement by Department


    1. General

      1. 3.Survey of district

      2. 4.Statement of community involvement

      3. 5.Sustainable development

    2. Local development plans

      1. 6.Local development plan

      2. 7.Preparation of timetable

      3. 8.Plan strategy

      4. 9.Local policies plan

      5. 10.Independent examination

      6. 11.Withdrawal of development plan documents

      7. 12.Adoption

      8. 13.Review of local development plan

      9. 14.Revision of plan strategy or local policies plan

      10. 15.Intervention by Department

      11. 16.Department's default powers

      12. 17.Joint plans

      13. 18.Power of Department to direct councils to prepare joint plans

      14. 19.Exclusion of certain representations

      15. 20.Guidance

      16. 21.Annual monitoring report

      17. 22.Regulations


    1. “Development” and requirement of planning permission

      1. 23.Meaning of “development”

      2. 24.Development requiring planning permission

    2. Development management

      1. 25.Hierarchy of developments

      2. 26.Department’s jurisdiction in relation to developments of regional significance

      3. 27.Pre-application community consultation

      4. 28.Pre-application community consultation report

      5. 29.Call in of applications, etc., to Department

      6. 30.Pre-determination hearings

      7. 31.Local developments: schemes of delegation

    3. Development orders

      1. 32.Development orders

    4. Simplified planning zone schemes

      1. 33.Simplified planning zones

      2. 34.Making and alteration of simplified planning zone schemes

      3. 35.Simplified planning zone schemes: conditions and limitations on planning permission

      4. 36.Duration of simplified planning zone scheme

      5. 37.Alteration of simplified planning zone scheme

      6. 38.Exclusion of certain descriptions of land or development

    5. Grant of planning permission in enterprise zones

      1. 39.Grant of planning permission in enterprise zones

    6. Planning applications

      1. 40.Form and content of applications

      2. 41.Notice, etc., of applications for planning permission

      3. 42.Notification of applications to certain persons

      4. 43.Notice requiring planning application to be made

      5. 44.Appeal against notice under section 43

    7. Determination of planning applications

      1. 45.Determination of planning applications

      2. 46.Power of council to decline to determine subsequent application

      3. 47.Power of Department to decline to determine subsequent application

      4. 48.Power of council to decline to determine overlapping application

      5. 49.Power of Department to decline to determine overlapping application

      6. 50.Duty to decline to determine application where section 27 not complied with

      7. 51.Assessment of environmental effects

      8. 52.Conditional grant of planning permission

      9. 53.Power to impose aftercare conditions on grant of mineral planning permission

      10. 54.Permission to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached

      11. 55.Planning permission for development already carried out

      12. 56.Directions etc. as to method of dealing with applications

      13. 57.Effect of planning permission

    8. Appeals

      1. 58.Appeals

      2. 59.Matters which may be raised in an appeal under section 58

      3. 60.Appeal against failure to take planning decision

    9. Duration of planning permission

      1. 61.Duration of planning permission

      2. 62.Duration of outline planning permission

      3. 63.Provisions supplementary to sections 61 and 62

      4. 64.Termination of planning permission by reference to time limit

      5. 65.Effect of completion notice

      6. 66.Power of Department to serve completion notices

      7. 67.Power to make non-material changes to planning permission

      8. 68.Revocation or modification of planning permission by council

      9. 69.Aftercare conditions imposed on revocation or modification of mineral planning permission

      10. 70.Procedure for section 68 orders: opposed cases

      11. 71.Procedure for section 68 orders: unopposed cases

      12. 72.Revocation or modification of planning permission by the Department

      13. 73.Orders requiring discontinuance of use or alteration or removal of buildings or works

      14. 74.Confirmation by Department of section 73 orders

      15. 75.Power of Department to make section 73 orders

      16. 76.Planning agreements

      17. 77.Modification and discharge of planning agreements

      18. 78.Appeals

    10. Land belonging to councils and development by councils

      1. 79.Land belonging to councils and development by councils



      1. Listed buildings

        1. 80.Lists of buildings of special architectural or historic interest

        2. 81.Temporary listing: building preservation notices

        3. 82.Temporary listing in urgent cases

        4. 83.Lapse of building preservation notices

        5. 84.Issue of certificate that building is not intended to be listed

        6. 85.Control of works for demolition, alteration or extension of listed buildings

        7. 86.Applications for listed building consent

        8. 87.Notification of applications for listed building consent to certain persons

        9. 88.Call in of certain applications for listed building consent to Department

        10. 89.Duty to notify Department of applications for listed building consent

        11. 90.Directions concerning notification of applications, etc.

        12. 91.Decision on application for listed building consent

      2. Power to decline to determine application for listed building consent

        1. 92.Power to decline to determine subsequent application for listed building consent

        2. 93.Power to decline to determine overlapping application for listed building consent

        3. 94.Duration of listed building consent

        4. 95.Consent to execute works without compliance with conditions previously attached

        5. 96.Appeal against decision

        6. 97.Appeal against failure to take decision

        7. 98.Revocation or modification of listed building consent by council

        8. 99.Procedure for section 98 orders: opposed cases

        9. 100.Procedure for section 98 orders: unopposed cases

        10. 101.Revocation or modification of listed building consent by the Department

        11. 102.Applications to determine whether listed building consent required

        12. 103.Acts causing or likely to result in damage to listed buildings

      3. Areas of special architectural or historic interest

        1. 104.Conservation areas

        2. 105.Control of demolition in conservation areas

        3. 106.Grants in relation to conservation areas

      4. Land and works of councils

        1. 107.Application of Chapter 1, etc., to land and works of councils


      1. 108.Requirement of hazardous substances consent

      2. 109.Applications for hazardous substances consent

      3. 110.Determination of applications for hazardous substances consent

      4. 111.Grant of hazardous substances consent without compliance with conditions previously attached

      5. 112.Revocation or modification of hazardous substances consent

      6. 113.Confirmation by Department of section 112 orders

      7. 114.Call in of certain applications for hazardous substances consent to Department

      8. 115.Appeals

      9. 116.Effect of hazardous substances consent and change of control of land

      10. 117.Offences

      11. 118.Emergencies

      12. 119.Health and safety requirements

      13. 120.Applications by councils for hazardous substances consent


      1. 121.Planning permission to include appropriate provision for trees

      2. 122.Tree preservation orders: councils

      3. 123.Provisional tree preservation orders

      4. 124.Power for Department to make tree preservation orders

      5. 125.Replacement of trees

      6. 126.Penalties for contravention of tree preservation orders

      7. 127.Preservation of trees in conservation areas

      8. 128.Power to disapply section 127


      1. 129.Review of mineral planning permissions


      1. 130.Control of advertisements


    1. Introductory

      1. 131.Expressions used in connection with enforcement

      2. 132.Time limits

    2. Planning contravention notices

      1. 133.Power to require information about activities on land

      2. 134.Penalties for non-compliance with planning contravention notice

    3. Temporary stop notices

      1. 135.Temporary stop notice

      2. 136.Temporary stop notice: restrictions

      3. 137.Temporary stop notice: offences

    4. Enforcement notices

      1. 138.Issue of enforcement notice by councils

      2. 139.Issue of enforcement notice by Department

      3. 140.Contents and effect of enforcement notice

      4. 141.Variation and withdrawal of enforcement notices by councils

      5. 142.Variation and withdrawal of enforcement notices by Department

      6. 143.Appeal against enforcement notice

      7. 144.Appeal against enforcement notice - general supplementary provisions

      8. 145.Appeal against enforcement notice - supplementary provisions relating to planning permission

      9. 146.Execution and cost of works required by enforcement notice

      10. 147.Offence where enforcement notice not complied with

      11. 148.Effect of planning permission, etc., on enforcement or breach of condition notice

      12. 149.Enforcement notice to have effect against subsequent development

      13. 150.Service of stop notices by councils

      14. 151.Service of stop notices by Department

    5. Breach of condition notices

      1. 152.Enforcement of conditions

    6. Fixed penalties

      1. 153.Fixed penalty notice where enforcement notice not complied with

      2. 154.Fixed penalty notice where breach of condition notice not complied with

      3. 155.Use of fixed penalty receipts

    7. Injunctions

      1. 156.Injunctions

    8. Listed buildings

      1. 157.Issue of listed building enforcement notices by councils

      2. 158.Issue of listed buildings enforcement notices by Department

      3. 159.Appeal against listed building enforcement notice

      4. 160.Effect of listed building consent on listed building enforcement notice

      5. 161.Urgent works to preserve building

    9. Hazardous substances

      1. 162.Hazardous substances contravention notice

      2. 163.Variation of hazardous substances contravention notices

    10. Trees

      1. 164.Enforcement of duties as to replacement of trees

      2. 165.Appeals against section 164 notices

      3. 166.Execution and cost of works required by section 164 notice

      4. 167.Enforcement of controls as respects trees in conservation areas

    11. Discontinuance orders

      1. 168.Enforcement of orders under section 73

    12. Certificate of lawful use or development

      1. 169.Certificate of lawfulness of existing use or development

      2. 170.Certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development

      3. 171.Certificates under sections 169 and 170: supplementary provisions

      4. 172.Offences

      5. 173.Appeals against refusal or failure to give decision on application

      6. 174.Further provisions as to appeals under section 173

    13. Advertisements

      1. 175.Enforcement of advertisement control

    14. Rights of entry for enforcement purposes

      1. 176.Rights to enter without warrant

      2. 177.Right to enter under warrant

      3. 178.Rights of entry: supplementary provisions


    1. 179.Compensation where planning permission is revoked or modified

    2. 180.Modification of the Act of 1965 in relation to minerals

    3. 181.Compensation where listed building consent revoked or modified

    4. 182.Compensation in respect of orders under section 73, 75 or 112

    5. 183.Compensation in respect of tree preservation orders

    6. 184.Compensation where hazardous substances consent modified or revoked under section 116

    7. 185.Compensation for loss due to stop notice

    8. 186.Compensation for loss or damage caused by service of building preservation notice

    9. 187.Compensation for loss due to temporary stop notice

    10. 188.Compensation where planning permission assumed for other development

    11. 189.Compensation: failure of consultee to respond under section 229

    12. 190.Interpretation of Part 6


    1. 191.Service of purchase notice

    2. 192.Purchase notices: Crown land

    3. 193.Action by council following service of purchase notice

    4. 194.Further ground of objection to purchase notice

    5. 195.Reference of counter-notices to Lands Tribunal

    6. 196.Effect of valid purchase notice

    7. 197.Special provision as to compensation under this Part


    1. 198.Historic Buildings Council

    2. 199.Grants and loans for preservation or acquisition of listed buildings

    3. 200.Acquisition of listed buildings by agreement

    4. 201.Acceptance by Department of endowments in respect of listed buildings

    5. 202.Compulsory acquisition of listed buildings


    1. 203.The Planning Appeals Commission

    2. 204.Procedure of appeals commission

    3. 205.Power to award costs

    4. 206.Orders as to costs: supplementary


    1. 207.Assessment of council’s performance

    2. 208.Assessment of council’s decision making

    3. 209.Further provision as respects assessment of performance or decision making

    4. 210.Report of assessment


    1. Crown land

      1. 211.Application to the Crown

      2. 212.Interpretation of Part 11

    2. Application of Act as respects Crown land

      1. 213.Urgent Crown development

      2. 214.Urgent works relating to listed buildings on Crown land

      3. 215.Enforcement in relation to the Crown

      4. 216.References to an estate in land

      5. 217.Applications for planning permission, etc. by Crown

      6. 218.Service of notices on the Crown


    1. 219.Correction of errors in decision documents

    2. 220.Correction notice

    3. 221.Effect of correction

    4. 222.Supplementary


    1. 223.Fees and charges

    2. 224.Grants for research and bursaries

    3. 225.Grants to bodies providing assistance in relation to certain planning policy or development proposals

    4. 226.Contributions by councils and statutory undertakers

    5. 227.Contributions by departments towards compensation paid by councils


    1. Review of Act

      1. 228.Review of Act

    2. Duty to respond to consultation

      1. 229.Duty to respond to consultation

    3. Application of Act in special cases

      1. 230.Minerals

    4. Inquiries

      1. 231.Local inquiries

      2. 232.Inquiries to be held in public subject to certain exceptions

      3. 233.Directions: Secretary of State

      4. 234.Directions: Department of Justice

      5. 235.National security

    5. Rights of entry

      1. 236.Rights of entry

      2. 237.Supplementary provisions as to powers of entry

      3. 238.Supplementary provisions as to powers of entry: Crown land

    6. Miscellaneous and general provisions

      1. 239.Service of notices and documents

      2. 240.Information as to estates in land

      3. 241.Information as to estates in Crown land

      4. 242.Planning register

      5. 243.Power to appoint advisory bodies or committees

      6. 244.Time limit for certain summary offences under this Act

      7. 245.Registration of matters in Statutory Charges Register

      8. 246.Directions

      9. 247.Regulations and orders

    7. Amendment of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991

      1. 248.Amendment of certain time periods in relation to enforcement

      2. 249.Increased penalties for certain offences under the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991


    1. 250.Interpretation

    2. 251.Further provision

    3. 252.Minor and consequential amendments

    4. 253.Repeals

    5. 254.Commencement

    6. 255.Short title


    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. 1.Where a council decides under section 34 to make or...

      2. 2.(1) A council proposing to make or alter a simplified...

      3. 3.Where a council has prepared a proposed simplified planning zone...

      4. 4.(1) Where objections to the proposed scheme or alterations are...

      5. 5.(1) After the expiry of the period for making objections...

      6. 6.(1) Before the proposals have been adopted by the council...

      7. 7.(1) The Department may, after considering proposals submitted to it...

      8. 8.(1) Without prejudice to the previous provisions of this Schedule,...

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. Interpretation

        1. 1.(1) In this Schedule— “dormant site” means a Phase I...

      2. Phase I and II sites

        1. 2.(1) This paragraph has effect for the purposes of determining...

      3. The “first list”

        1. 3.(1) A council must, in accordance with the following provisions...

      4. The “second list”

        1. 4.(1) A council must, in accordance with the following provisions...

      5. Advertisement of the first and second lists

        1. 5.(1) This paragraph makes provision for the advertisement of the...

      6. Applications for inclusion in the first list of sites not included in that list as originally prepared and appeals from decisions upon such applications

        1. 6.(1) Any person who is the owner of any land,...

      7. Postponement of the date specified in the first or second list for review of the permissions relating to a Phase I or II site in cases where the existing conditions are satisfactory

        1. 7.(1) Any person who is the owner of any land,...

      8. Service on owners etc. of notice of preparation of the first and second lists

        1. 8.(1) The council must, no later than the date upon...

      9. Applications for approval of conditions and appeals in cases where the conditions approved are not those proposed

        1. 9.(1) Any person who is the owner of any land,...

      10. Notice of determination of conditions to be accompanied by additional information in certain cases

        1. 10.(1) This paragraph applies in a case where—

      11. Right to appeal against council’s determination of conditions etc.

        1. 11.(1) Where the council— (a) on an application under paragraph...

      12. Permissions ceasing to have effect

        1. 12.(1) Subject to paragraph 8(11), where no application under paragraph...

      13. Call in of applications to Department

        1. 13.(1) The Department may give directions requiring applications under paragraph...

      14. Two or more applicants

        1. 14.(1) Where the council has received from any person a...

      15. Compensation

        1. 15.(1) This paragraph applies in a case where—

      16. Appeals: general procedural provisions

        1. 16.(1) This paragraph applies to appeals under any of the...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. Duty to carry out periodic reviews

        1. 1.The council must, in accordance with the provisions of this...

      2. Interpretation

        1. 2.(1) For the purposes of this Schedule— “first review date”,...

      3. The first review date

        1. 3.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (5), in the case of a...

        2. 4.(1) The Department may by order subject to negative resolution...

      4. Service of notice of first periodic review

        1. 5.(1) The council must, in connection with the first periodic...

      5. Application for postponement of the first review date

        1. 6.(1) Any person who is the owner of any land,...

      6. Application to determine the conditions to which the mineral permissions relating to a mining site are to be subject

        1. 7.(1) Any person who is the owner of any land,...

      7. Permissions ceasing to have effect

        1. 8.Where no application under paragraph 7 in respect of a...

      8. Appeals

        1. 9.(1) Where on an application under paragraph 7 the council...

      9. Call in of applications to Department

        1. 10.(1) The Department may give directions requiring applications made under...

      10. Time from which conditions determined under this Schedule are to take effect

        1. 11.(1) Where an application has been made under paragraph 7...

      11. Two or more applicants

        1. 12.(1) Where the council has received from any person a...

      12. Second and subsequent periodic reviews

        1. 13.(1) In this paragraph, in relation to a mining site,...

      13. Compensation

        1. 14.(1) This paragraph applies where— (a) an application made under...

    4. SCHEDULE 4


      1. 1.In section 15— (a) in subsection (1) for “a development...

      2. 2.In section 18(3) and (4) for “Article 38 of the...

      3. 3.In section 18(4) for “Order” substitute “Act”.

      4. 4.In sections 26(1), (4), (5) and (6), 27(5) and 30...

      5. 5.In section 26, after subsection (7) insert—

      6. 6.In section 27(5), for the words from “with the substitution”...

      7. 7.In section 43(1), in the definition of “planning decision” for...

      8. 8.In Schedule 1— (a) in paragraph 10(b) for “the Planning...

    5. SCHEDULE 5


      1. 1.The Historic Buildings Council (in this Schedule referred to as...

      2. 2.A member of the Council shall hold office for a...

      3. 3.The Department may pay to the Chair and members of...

      4. 4.(1) The Council shall, subject to sub-paragraph (4), appoint such...

      5. 5.The Council may regulate its own quorum and procedure and...

      6. 6.The Council must, at such times and in respect of...

      7. 7.The secretary to the Council shall be such person as...

    6. SCHEDULE 6


      1. The Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 (c. 17)

        1. 1.In section 3(3) for “the Planning Order” substitute “the Planning...

        2. 2.In section 4— (a) in subsection (1) for “the Planning...

        3. 3.In section 5(3) for “the Planning Order” substitute “the Planning...

        4. 4.In section 8(10) for “the Planning Order” substitute “the Planning...

        5. 5.In section 25(1) for the definition of “the Planning Order”...

        6. 6.In section 25(4) for “the Planning Order” substitute “the Planning...

        7. 7.In the Schedule in paragraph 9 for “the Planning Order”...

      2. The Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 (c. 9)

        1. 8.In section 47A (delegation of functions to officers) after subsection...

      3. The Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 (NI 17)

        1. 9.In Article 2(2)— (a) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

        2. 10.In Article 68(1) for “Order” substitute “Act”.

        3. 11.For Article 69B(1) substitute— (1) In this Part “the Planning...

      4. The House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 (c. 24)

        1. 12.In Schedule 1 in Part 2 for “The Planning Appeals...

      5. The Rates (Northern Ireland) 1977 (NI 28)

        1. 13.In Article 26 in paragraph (2B)(d) for “the Planning (Northern...

        2. 14.In Part 1 of Schedule 12 in paragraph 8—

      6. The Property (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 (NI 4)

        1. 15.In Article 5(5)— (a) in sub-paragraph (c) for “development plan...

      7. The Planning (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 (NI 18)

        1. 16.In Article 2(2) omit the definition of “the Planning Order”....

        2. 17.In Article 2(3)— (a) for “the Planning Order” substitute “the...

        3. 18.In Article 3(a) for “Part IV of the Planning Order”...

      8. The Pollution Control and Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 (NI 19)

        1. 19.In Article 65(6) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

        2. 20.In Article 66(7) for “Article 2(2) of the Planning (Northern...

      9. The Estate Agents Act 1979 (c. 38)

        1. 21.In section 1(2)(e) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

      10. The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 (NI 16)

        1. 22.In Article 3A(2)— (a) in sub-paragraph (a), for “Planning (Northern...

        2. 23.In Article 9(3)(b) for “Parts IV and V of the...

      11. The Mineral Exploration (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 (NI 18)

        1. 24.In Article 3(2) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

      12. The Private Streets (Northern Ireland) Order 1980 (NI 12)

        1. 25.In Article 2— (a) in paragraph (2) for the definition...

        2. 26.In Article 3— (a) in paragraph (1) for “Part IV...

        3. 27.In Article 4(1)— (a) for “Planning Order” substitute “Planning Act”;...

        4. 28.In Article 4(2) for “Planning Order” substitute “Planning Act”.

        5. 29.In Article 4(3)— (a) for “Article 32 of the Planning...

        6. 30.In Article 4(4)— (a) for “Part VI of the Planning...

        7. 31.In Article 24(8)(b) for “Planning Order” substitute “Planning Act”.

        8. 32.In Article 25(2)(b) for “Planning Order” substitute “Planning Act”.

      13. The Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 (NI 3)

        1. 33.In Article 38(5) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

      14. The Enterprise Zones (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 (NI 15)

        1. 34.For Article 9(2) substitute— (2) Sections 236(5) and 237 of...

      15. The Planning Blight (Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 (NI 16)

        1. 35.In Article 2(2) after the definition of ““the Planning Order”...

        2. 36.In Article 3— (a) in paragraph (1)—

        3. 37.In Article 15A(2) for “Part 12 of the Planning Order”...

      16. The Civil Aviation Act 1982 (c. 16)

        1. 38.In section 53(7) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

      17. The Land Compensation (Northern Ireland) Order 1982 (NI 9)

        1. 39.In Article 2(2) for “Article 110 of the Planning (Northern...

        2. 40.In Article 7(2) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

        3. 41.In Articles 14 and 15 for “development plan” wherever those...

        4. 42.In Article 15(1) for “Department of the Environment” substitute “council...

        5. 43.In Article 15(4), for “Department”, where that word occurs for...

        6. 44.In Article 15(4), (5), (7) and (8) and in Article...

        7. 45.In Article 17, for paragraph (2) substitute—

      18. The Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 (NI 15)

        1. 46.In Schedule 2, in paragraph 3 for “Article 11 of...

      19. The Access to the Countryside (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 (NI 18)

        1. 47.In Article 2(2)— (a) in the definition of “development” for...

      20. The Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (NI 1)

        1. 48.In Article 8(3)— (a) for “development plan” substitute “local development...

      21. The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) 1985 (NI 11)

        1. 49.In Article 2(2), in the definition of “planning permission”, for...

      22. The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (NI 15)

        1. 50.In Article 18(9) for “Article 67 of the Planning (Northern...

        2. 51.For Article 18(11) substitute— (11) This Article and Article 19...

        3. 52.In Schedule 1, in paragraph 17(a) for the definition of...

      23. The Laganside Development (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (NI 2)

        1. 53.In Article 16 for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

      24. The Planning and Building Regulations (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 1990 (NI 14)

        1. 54.In Article 29— (a) in paragraph (2), for “Articles 64...

      25. The Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 (NI 11)

        1. 55.In Article 2 (interpretation)— (a) for paragraph (2) substitute—

        2. 56.After Article 85 (development schemes) insert— Power of Department to...

        3. 57.In Article 93, for “development plan” substitute “local development plan”....

        4. 58.In Article 125A (information as to estates in Crown land),...

      26. The Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 (NI 1)

        1. 59.In Article 65(1)(b) for “Articles 20 to 24 of the...

        2. 60.In Schedule 3 in paragraph 2(2)(b) for “Part IV of...

        3. 61.In Schedule 4 in paragraph 1(1) in the definition of...

        4. 62.In Schedule 4 in paragraph 15(5) in the definition of...

        5. 63.In Schedule 8— (a) in paragraph 1A(5)(b) for “Article 111(5)...

      27. The Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 (c. 12)

        1. 64.In Schedule 2 in paragraph 10(3) for “the Planning (Northern...

      28. The Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 (NI 15)

        1. 65.In Article 2(2) in the definition of “planning permission” for...

        2. 66.In Article 80(13), in the definition of “development order”, for...

        3. 67.In Article 87— (a) in paragraph (6) for “Article 67...

      29. The Value Added Tax Act 1994 (c. 23)

        1. 68.In Schedule 8, in Group 6— (a) in Note (1)(a)(iii)...

      30. The Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 1994 (NI 1)

        1. 69.In Article 14— (a) in paragraph (2)(a) for “Part VIII...

        2. 70.In Article 15(1)(b)(ii) for “Articles 20 to 22 of the...

        3. 71.In Schedule 3 in paragraph 3(2) for “the Planning (Northern...

      31. The Historic Monuments and Archaeological Objects (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 (NI 9)

        1. 72.In Article 2(2) in the definition of “works” for “the...

        2. 73.In Article 9(8)— (a) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order...

      32. The Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 (NI 19)

        1. 74.In Article 2(2) in the definition of “the planning appeals...

      33. The Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (NI 2)

        1. 75.In Article 47(1)(b) for “Articles 20 to 24 of the...

        2. 76.In Schedule 2 in paragraph 2(2)(b) for “Part IV of...

        3. 77.In Schedule 3 in paragraph 1 in the definition of...

        4. 78.In Schedule 3 in paragraph 14(6) in the definition of...

      34. The Business Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (NI 5)

        1. 79.In Article 12(2) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

        2. 80.In Schedule 2 in paragraph 12 for “the Planning (Northern...

      35. The Ombudsman (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (NI 8)

        1. 81.In Schedule 3 for “Article 110 of the Planning (Northern...

      36. The Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (NI 22)

        1. 82.In Article 84(a) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

      37. The Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (NI 23)

        1. 83.In Article 2(2) in the definition of “planning permission” for...

      38. The Road Traffic Regulation (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 (NI 2)

        1. 84.In Article 35(9)(a) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

      39. The Industrial Pollution Control (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 (NI 18)

        1. 85.In Schedule 2— (a) in paragraph 1(2) for “paragraphs (1),...

      40. The Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 (NI 19)

        1. 86.In Article 8(3) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

        2. 87.In Article 31(3) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991” substitute...

        3. 88.In Schedule 2— (a) in paragraph 1(2) for “paragraphs (1),...

      41. The Competition Act 1998 (c. 41)

        1. 89.In Schedule 3 in paragraph 1(1)(c) for “Article 40 of...

      42. The Strategic Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 (NI 4)

        1. 90.In Article 2(3) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991”...

      43. The Water (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 (NI 6)

        1. 91.In Schedule 1 in paragraph 3— (a) in sub-paragraph (4)...

      44. The Postal Services Act 2000 (c. 26)

        1. 92.In Schedule 6 in paragraph 3(6) for “Article 2(2) of...

      45. The Capital Allowances Act 2001 (c. 2)

        1. 93.In section 436(2)(c) for “Article 2(2) of the Planning (Northern...

      46. The Environment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002 (NI 7)

        1. 94.In Article 34(6)— (a) for “development plan” substitute “local development...

        2. 95.In Article 38(3)(d) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991...

        3. 96.In Article 46— (a) in paragraph (4)(a) for “Part IV...

      47. The Strategic Investments and Regeneration of Sites (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (NI 1)

        1. 97.In Article 25(2) for “Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 (NI...

      48. The Finance Act 2003 (c. 14)

        1. 98.For section 60(5)(c) substitute— (c) in relation to Northern Ireland,...

        2. 99.For section 61(2)(c) substitute— (c) in relation to Northern Ireland—...

      49. The Rates (Capital Values, etc.) (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 (NI 4)

        1. 100.In Schedule 2, in paragraph 2— (a) for “Article 2(2)...

      50. The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 (NI 21)

        1. 101.In Article 298(3)(a) for “Article 2(2) of the Planning (Northern...

      51. The Climate Change Act 2008 (c. 27)

        1. 102.In section 70(1)(c) for “the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991...

      52. The Financial Assistance Act (Northern Ireland) 2009 (c. 2)

        1. 103.In section 5 in the definition of “public body” in...

      53. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (c. 23)

        1. 104.In section 322(2) in the definition of “statutory undertaker” for...

      54. The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 2)

        1. 105.In Article 13(3)(b) for “Article 83A or 83B of the...

        2. 106.In Article 18(7)(b) for “Article 83A or 83B of the...

      55. The Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 10)

        1. 107.In section 15(2)— (a) in paragraph (l), after “consent” insert...

      56. The Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 12)

        1. 108.In section 17(1), in the definition of “planning permission”, for...

      57. The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 23)

        1. 109.In section 26— (a) in subsection (3) for “Article 84(2)...

        2. 110.In section 31(1), for “Article 67 of the Planning (Northern...

        3. 111.In section 38, omit subsections (1), (2) and (3).

    7. SCHEDULE 7