Explanatory Memorandum

Public Health (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2008

2008 CHAPTER 5

6 May 2008

5.Financial Effects of the Act

5.1.No extra expenditure will be necessitated by virtue of this Act

6.Human Rights Issues

6.1.The provisions of the Act are compatible with the Convention on Human Rights.

7.Equality Impact Assessment

7.1.The Department did not prepare an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA), for this Act as it was previously decided that, following the Public Health (Amendment) Bill consultation, no concerns or comments were raised and therefore an EIA was not needed for the Public Health Amendment Bill.

Hansard Reports

The following table sets out the dates of the Hansard reports for each stage of the Act’s passage through the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Introduction of Bill to Committee15 November 2007
First Stage- Introduction of Bill to the Assembly26 November 2007
Second Stage Debate4 December 2007
Committee Stage-Departmental briefing on the provisions of the Bill24 January 2008
Committee Report on the Bill31 January 2008
Consideration Stage in the Assembly4 March 2008
Further Consideration Stage7 April 2008
Final Stage21 April 2008
Royal Assent6 May 2008