Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008


4.—(1) The Commission may with the approval of the Department and the Department of Finance and Personnel as to numbers and as to remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment—

(a)employ such staff as the Commission considers necessary;

(b)employ the services of such other persons as the Commission considers expedient for any particular purpose.

(2) The Commission may, in the case of such of its staff as may be determined by it with the approval of the Department and the Department of Finance and Personnel, pay such pensions, allowances or gratuities, or provide and maintain such pension schemes, as may be so determined.

(3) Payments made or expenses incurred under this paragraph shall be defrayed out of money appropriated by Act of the Assembly.

5.—(1) The Commission may make arrangements with the Department for persons employed in the Northern Ireland civil service to be seconded to the Commission.

(2) Such arrangements require the consent of the Department of Finance and Personnel.