Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 Explanatory Notes

Section 58 – Joint overview and scrutiny committees

71.This section empowers the Welsh Ministers to provide by regulation that two or more principal councils may set up one or more joint overview and scrutiny committees (JOSC), and arrange for the committee or committees to make reports or recommendations to any of the principal councils setting up the committee, and to the executives of those councils.

72.The JOSCs may make reports and recommendations about any matter, but not about crime and disorder matters, about which a crime and disorder committee could make a report or recommendations by virtue of section 19(1)(b) or (3)(a) of the Police and Justice Act 2006.

73.The regulations may make provision for JOSCs to have equivalent powers to non‑joint overview and scrutiny committees, as set out in existing legislation and as provided for in this Measure.

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