Education (Wales) Measure 2009



    1. Part 1 – Education Appeals and Claims by Children

      1. Special educational needs appeals

        1. Sections 1- 8 insert new provisions into the Education Act 1996

          1. Section 1 – Right of a child to appeal to the Tribunal in respect of special educational needs (inserting a new section 332ZA into the Education Act 1996)>

          2. Section 2 – Notice and service of documents on a child (inserting a new section 332ZB into the Education Act 1996)

          3. Section 3 – Case Friends (inserting a new section 332ZC into the Education Act 1996)

          4. Section 4 - Advice and information (amending section 332A and inserting a new section 332AA into the Education Act 1996)

          5. Section 5 - Resolution of disputes (amending section 332B and inserting a new section 332BA into the Education Act 1996)

          6. Section 6 - Independent advocacy services (inserting a new section 332BB into the Education Act 1996)

          7. Section 7 - Tribunal procedure

          8. Section 8 - Procedure for making regulations (amending section 569 of the Education Act 1996 and inserting a new section 569(2A) and (2B) into that Act)

      2. Disability Discrimination Claims

        1. Sections 9 - 16 insert new provisions into the Disability Discrimination Act 1995

          1. Section 9 - Right of a child to make a disability discrimination claim (inserting a new section 28IA into the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 – Jurisdiction and Powers of the Tribunal)

          2. Section 10 – Case friends (inserting a new section 28IB into the Disability Discrimination Act 1995)

          3. Section 11 - Advice and information (inserting a new section 28IC – Disability Discrimination Act 1995)

          4. Section 12 - Resolution of disputes (inserting a new section 28ID – Disability Discrimination Act 1995)

          5. Section 13 - Independent advocacy services (inserting a new section 28IE – Disability Discrimination Act 1995)

          6. Section 14 - Tribunal procedure

          7. Section 15 - Role of the Welsh Ministers

          8. Section 16 - Procedures for making regulations

          9. Section 17 - Piloting the rights of a child to appeal or make a claim

          10. Section 18 - Power to make provision about appeals and claims by a child

          11. Section 19 - Interpretation of sections 17 and 18

          12. Section 20 -  Powers on repeal and re-enactment of the Disability

            Discrimination Act 1995

    2. Part 2 – Miscellaneous and General

      1. Amendments to Part 7 of the Education Act 2002

        1. Section 21 - Foundation phase

      2. Amendments to the Learning and Skills Act 2000

        1. Section 22 –Local curriculum entitlements for students aged 16 to 18

      3. General

        1. Section 23 – Minor and consequential amendments

        2. Section 24 – Orders and regulations

        3. Section 25 – Orders made under section 18: procedure

        4. Section 26 - Commencement

        5. Section 27 – Short title