Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/79 of 12 September 2016 establishing detailed technical requirements and test procedures for the EC type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to their 112-based eCall in-vehicles systems, of 112-based eCall in-vehicle separate technical units and components and supplementing and amending Regulation (EU) 2015/758 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the exemptions and applicable standards (Text with EEA relevance)
2.Test methods
2.1.Test conditions
2.1.1.The test object is the eCall, which includes a GNSS receiver and a GNSS antenna, specifying navigation characteristics and features of the tested system.
2.1.2.The number of the eCall test samples shall be at least 3 pieces and can be tested in parallel.
2.1.3.The eCall is provided for the test with the installed SIM-card, operation manual and the software (provided on electronic media).
2.1.4.The attached documents shall contain the following data:
2.1.5.Tests are carried out in normal climatic conditions in accordance with standard ISO 16750-1:2006:
2.1.6.Tests of the eCall in respect of its GNSS receiver shall be performed with the test and auxiliary equipment specified in Table 1.
Table 1
Recommended list of measurement instruments, test and auxiliary equipment
Note: it is allowed to apply other similar types of equipment providing determination of characteristics with the required accuracy.
Equipment name | Required technical characteristics of test equipment |
Scale range | Scale accuracy |
Global navigation satellite system simulator of Galileo and GPS signals | Number of simulated signals: at least 12 | Mean square deviation of random accuracy component of pseudo-range to Galileo and GPS satellites not more than:
stadiometric code phase: 0,1 metres;
communication carrier phase: 0,001 metres;
pseudovelocity: 0,005 metres/second.
Digital stopwatch | Maximum count volume: 9 hours 59 minutes 59,99 seconds | Daily variation at 25 (± 5) °С not more than 1,0 seconds.
Time discreteness 0,01 seconds.
Vector network analyser | Frequency range: 300 kHz .. 4 000 kHz
Dynamic range:
(minus 85 .. 40) dB
| Accuracy F = ± 1·10– 6 kHz
Accuracy D = (0,1 .. 0,5) dB
Low-noise amplifier | Frequency range: 1 200 .. 1 700 MHz
Noise coefficient: not more 2,0 dB
Amplifier gain coefficient: 24 dB
| |
Attenuator 1 | Dynamic range: (0 .. 11) dB | Accuracy ± 0,5 dB |
Attenuator 2 | Dynamic range: (0 .. 110) dB | Accuracy ± 0,5 dB |
Power source | Range of direct current voltage setting: from 0,1 to 30 volts | Accuracy V = ± 3 % |
Current intensity of output voltage: at least 3 amperes | Accuracy A = ± 1 % |
2.1.7.Unless otherwise specified, GNSS signal simulation shall follow ‘Open sky’ pattern as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Open sky definition
Zone | Elevation range (degrees) | Azimuth range (degrees) |
A | 0 – 5 | 0 – 360 |
Background | Area out of Zone A |

2.1.8.Open Sky plot — Attenuation:
| 0 dB |
A | – 100 dB or signal is switched off |
2.2.Test procedures
2.2.1.NMEA-0183 messages output test. connections according to Figure 2.
Figure 2
Diagram of test stand and turn on the eCall. By means of operation manual and developer software, set up the GNSS receiver for receiving signals from Galileo, GPS and SBAS. Set up the GNSS receiver to output NMEA-0183 messages (messages RMC, GGA, VTG, GSA and GSV). up the simulator according to the simulator user guide. Initialize simulator script with the parameters, given in Table 2 for Galileo, GPS and SBAS signals.
Table 2
Main parameters of simulation script for static scenario
Simulated parameter | Value |
Test duration, hh:mm:ss | 01:00:00 |
Output frequency | 1 hertz |
eCall location | Any specified land point between latitude range 80°N and 80°S in coordinate system WGS-84 |
Troposphere: | Standard predefined model by the GNSS simulator |
Ionosphere: | Standard predefined model by the GNSS simulator |
PDOP value in the test interval | 2,0 ≤ PDOP ≤ 2,5 |
Simulated signals | Galileo (E1 frequency band OS);
GPS (L1 frequency band C/A code);
combined Galileo/GPS/SBAS.
Signal strength: | |
— GNSS Galileo; | minus 135 dBm; |
— GNSS GPS. | minus 138,5 dBm. |
Number of simulated satellites: | at least 6 Galileo satellites;
at least 6 GPS satellites;
at least 2 SBAS satellites
| means of corresponding serial interface, set the connection between the eCall and PC. Control the possibility of receiving navigation information via NMEA-0183 protocol. The value of field 6 in the GGA messages is set to ‘2’. results are considered successful if navigation information via NMEA-0183 protocol is received in all the eCall samples. test of NMEA-0183 messages output and the assessment of the positioning accuracy in autonomous static mode can be combined.
2.2.2.Assessment of positioning accuracy in autonomous static mode. connections according to Figure 2. and turn on the eCall. By means of developer software, make sure that the GNSS receiver is set up for receiving Galileo, GPS and SBAS combined signals. Set up the GNSS receiver to output messages according to the NMEA-0183 protocol (GGA, RMC, VTG, GSA and GSV messages). up the simulator in accordance with its operational manual. Start simulation of combined Galileo, GPS and SBAS signals script with the set parameters given in Table 2. up the recording of NMEA-0183 messages after receiving the navigation solution. Up to the moment the simulation script is complete, the NMEA-0183 messages are output by the GNSS receiver to a file. receiving the navigation solution set up recording of NMEA-0183 messages output by the GNSS receiver to a file, up to the moment the simulation script is complete. coordinates: latitude (B) and longitude (L) contained in GGA (RMC) messages. the systematic inaccuracy of coordinate's determination on stationary intervals according to formulas (1), (2), for example for latitude coordinate (B):
(1) | ΔB(j) = B(j) – Btruej , |
(2) | , |
Btruej is the actual value of B coordinate in j time moment, in arc-seconds.
B(j) is the determined value of B coordinate in j time moment by the GNSS receiver, in arc-seconds.
N is the amount of GGA (RMC) messages, received during the test of GNSS receiver. calculate the systematic inaccuracy of L (longitude) coordinate. standard deviation (SD) value according to formula (3) for B coordinate:
(3) | , | calculate the SD value for L (longitude) coordinate. calculated coordinates and SD values of latitude and longitude determination from arc-seconds to meters according to formulas (4) – (5). latitude:
(4-1) | , |
(4-2) | , | longitude:
(5-1) | , |
(5-2) | , |
— а
Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, metres
— e
first eccentricity, [0 – 1]
— φ
determined value of latitude, radians. horizontal position error according to formula (6):
(6) | , | test procedures according to – for GNSS Galileo signals with simulation parameters, given in Table 2. test procedures according to – only for GPS GNSS signals with simulation parameters, given in Table 2. test procedures according to – with other eCall samples, provided for the test. average values according to (6) obtained for all tested eCall samples. results are considered satisfactory if horizontal position errors as defined by formula (6) obtained with all eCall samples do not exceed 15 metres under open sky conditions at confidence level 0,95 probability for all simulation scripts.
2.2.3.Assessment of positioning accuracy in autonomous dynamic mode. test procedures described in section 2.2.2, but – with simulation script for manoeuvring movement, given in Table 3.
Table 3
Main parameters of simulation script for manoeuvring movement
Simulated parameter | Value |
Test duration, hh:mm:ss | 01:00:00 |
Output frequency | 1 hertz |
eCall location | Any specified land point between latitude range 80°N and 80°S in coordinate system WGS-84 |
Model of movement: | Manoeuvring movement |
— speed, km/h; | 140 |
— turning radius, metres; | 500 |
— turning acceleration, metres/second2. | 0,2 |
Troposphere: | Standard predefined model by the GNSS simulator |
Ionosphere: | Standard predefined model by the GNSS simulator |
PDOP value in the test time interval | 2,0 ≤ PDOP ≤ 2,5 |
Simulated signals | Combined Galileo/GPS/SBAS |
Signal strength: | |
— GNSS Galileo; | minus 135 dBm; |
— GNSS GPS. | minus 138,5 dBm. |
Number of simulated satellites: | at least 6 Galileo satellites;
at least 6 GPS satellites;
at least 2 SBAS satellites
| average values according to (6) obtained for all tested eCall samples. results are considered satisfactory if horizontal position errors obtained with all eCall samples do not exceed 15 metres under open sky conditions at confidence level 0,95 probability.
2.2.4.Movement in shadow areas, areas of intermittent reception of navigation signals and urban canyons. test procedures described in section 2.2.3 for simulation script for movement in shadow areas and areas of intermittent reception of navigation signals (given in Table 4) with an urban canyon signal pattern described in Figure 3.
Table 4
Main parameters of movement in shadow areas and areas of intermittent reception of navigation signals
Simulated parameter | Value |
Test duration, hh:mm:ss | 01:00:00 |
Output frequency | 1 hertz |
eCall location | Any specified land point between latitude range 80°N and 80°S in coordinate system WGS-84 |
Model of movement: | Manoeuvring movement |
— speed, km/h; | 140 |
— turning radius, metres; | 500 |
— turning acceleration, metres/second2. | 0,2 |
Satellite visibility: | |
— signal visibility intervals, seconds; | 300 |
— signal absence intervals, seconds. | 600 |
Troposphere: | Standard predefined model by the GNSS simulator |
Ionosphere: | Standard predefined model by the GNSS simulator |
PDOP value in the test time interval | 3,5 ≤ PDOP ≤ 4,0 |
Simulated signals | Combined Galileo/GPS/SBAS |
Signal strength: | |
— GNSS Galileo; | minus 135 dBm; |
— GNSS GPS. | minus 138,5 dBm. |
Number of simulated satellites: | at least 6 Galileo satellites;
at least 6 GPS satellites;
at least 2 SBAS satellites
Figure 3
Urban canyon definition
Zone | Elevation range (degrees) | Azimuth range (degrees) |
A | 0 – 5 | 0 – 360 |
B | 5 – 30 | 210 – 330 |
C | 5 – 30 | 30 – 150 |
Background | Area out of Zone A, B, C | canyon plot- Attenuation:
| 0 dB |
B | – 40 dB |
C | – 40 dB |
A | – 100 dB or signal is switched off | results are considered satisfactory if horizontal position errors obtained with all eCall samples do not exceed 40 metres in urban canyon conditions at confidence level 0,95 probability.
2.2.5.Cold start time to first fix test. and turn on the eCall. By means of developer software, make sure that GNSS module is set to receive Galileo and GPS signals. all position, velocity, time, almanac and ephemeris data from the GNSS receiver. up the simulator according to the simulator user guide. Initialize simulator script with the parameters, given in Table 2 for Galileo and GPS signals with signal level minus 130 dBm. means of a stopwatch, measure time interval between signal simulation start and the first navigation solution result. test procedures according to – at least 10 times. average time to first fix in cold start mode based on measurements for all eCall samples, provided for the test. test result is considered to be positive, if average values of time to first fix calculated as described in, do not exceed 60 seconds for signal level down to minus 130 dBm for all the simulated signals. test procedure according to – with signal level minus 140 dBm. test result according to is considered to be positive, if average values of time to first fix, calculated as described in do not exceed 300 seconds for signal level down to minus 140 dBm for all the simulated signals.
2.2.6.Test of re-acquisition time of tracking signals after block out of 60 seconds. and turn on the eCall according to operational manual. By means of the developer software, make sure that GNSS receiver is set up to receive Galileo and GPS signals. up the simulator according to the simulator user guide. Initialize simulator script with the parameters, given in Table 2 for Galileo and GPS signals with signal level minus 130 dBm. for 15 minutes and make sure the GNSS receiver has calculated eCall position. the GNSS antenna cable from the eCall and connect it again after time interval of 60 seconds. By means of stopwatch, determine time interval between cable connection moment and restoration of satellites tracking and calculation of the navigation solution. test procedure according to at least 10 times. average value of re-acquisition time of satellite tracking signals by the eCall for all performed measurements and all eCall samples provided for the test. test result is considered to be positive, if average values of re-acquisition time after block out of 60 seconds measured as described in, do not exceed 20 seconds.
2.2.7.Test of GNSS receiver sensitivity in cold start mode, tracking mode, and re-acquisition scenario. on the vector network analyser. Calibrate the vector network analyser according to its operational manual. up the diagram according to Figure 4.
Figure 4
Diagram of path calibration zero signal path attenuation on attenuators. Measure the frequency response for a given signal path in the E1/L1 band of Galileo/GPS, respectively. Record the average path transmission factor in [dB] in this frequency band. the circuit shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5
Arrangement for evaluation of GNSS module sensitivity and turn on eCall according to operational manual. By means of developer software make sure that GNSS receiver is set to receive Galileo and GPS signals. Clear the GNSS receiver RAM such that the ‘cold’ start mode of the GNSS receiver of the eCall is achieved. Check that the position, velocity and time information is reset. GNSS signals simulator according to its operation manual. Start Galileo and GPS signals simulation script, with parameters given in Table 2. Set output power level of the simulator to minus 144 dBm. means of a stopwatch, measure time interval between signal simulation start and the first navigation solution result. the signal path attenuation on attenuators such that the signal on eCall antenna input is equal to minus 155 dBm. means of a stopwatch, verify that the eCall still provides navigation solution for at least 600 seconds. the signal path attenuation on attenuators such that the signal on eCall antenna input is equal to minus 150 dBm. the GNSS antenna cable from the eCall and connect it again after time interval of 20 seconds. means of stopwatch, determine time interval between cable connection moment and restoration of satellites tracking and calculation of the navigation solution. test result is considered to be positive in case:
the value of time to first fix in ‘cold’ start mode, as measured in, do not exceed 3 600 seconds at signal level on the antenna input of the eCall of minus 144 dBm in all the eCall samples;
the GNSS navigation solution is available for at least 600 seconds at signal level on the antenna input of the eCall of minus 155 dBm as measured in in all the eCall samples;
and re-acquisition of GNSS signals and calculation of the navigation solution at signal level on the antenna input of the eCall of minus 150 dBm is possible and time interval measured in does not exceed 60 seconds in all the eCall samples.
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