Council Regulation (EC) No 40/2008 of 16 January 2008 fixing for 2008 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are required
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The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM),
RECOGNIZING the need to compile data, monitor fisheries and assess fisheries resources in a geo-referenced manner.
RECALLING the efforts made by Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and its Sub-Committees to identify appropriate boundaries for sub-areas in the GFCM area (FAO area 37);
CONSIDERING the decision made by the Commission at its 26th Session (2001) to establish Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs) in the GFCM area;
CONSIDERING the advice emanating from the ninth session of SAC;
1.Geographical Sub-Areas in the GFCM area as shown in Annexes 1, 2 and 3.
ANNEX 1Map of GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs)
WESTERN | 1.1BALEARIC | 1.1.awaters surrounding Balearic Islands | 5Balearic Island |
1.1.bwaters off Spanish continental coast | 6Northern Spain |
1.1.cwaters off Algeria | 4Algeria |
1.1.dAlboran sea | 1Northern Alboran Sea |
2Alboran Island |
3Southern Alboran Sea |
1.2GULF OF LIONS | 1.2.eGulf of Lions | 7Gulf of Lions |
1.2.fwaters off Cote dAzur | 7Gulf of Lions |
1.3SARDINIA | 1.3.gwaters surrounding Corsica | 8Corsica Island |
1.3.hwaters surrounding Sardinia | 11Sardinia |
1.3.iwaters off north Sicily | 10South and Central Tirrenian Sea |
1.3.jwafers off Italian continental shelf | 9Ligurian and North Tirrenian Sea |
10South Tirrenian Sea |
1.3.kwaters northern Tunisia | 12Northern Tunisia |
CENTRAL | 2.1ADRIATIC | 2.1.anorthern and central Adriatic | 17Northern Adriatic |
2.1.bsouth Adriatic | 18Southern Adriatic Sea |
2.2IONIAN | 2.2.cwaters off southeast Italy | 19Western Ionian Sea |
2.2.dwaters off western Greek | 20Eastern Ionian Sea |
2.2.ewaters off Sicily and Malta | 15Malta Island |
16South of Sicily |
2.2.fGulf of Gabes and Hamamet | 13Gulf of Hamamet |
14Gulf of Gabes |
2.2.gwaters off Libya | 21Southern Ionian Sea |
EASTERN | 3.1AEGEAN | 3.1.aAegean Sea | 22Aegean Sea |
3.1.bwaters surrounding Crete | 23Crete Island |
3.2LEVANT | 3.2.cwaters surrounding Cyprus | 25Cyprus Island |
3.2.dwaters off southern Turkey coast | 24North Levant |
3.2.esoutheast Levant | 27Levant |
3.2.fwaters off Egypt | 26South Levant |
BLACK SEA | 4.1MARMARA | 4.1Marmara Sea | 28Marmara Sea |
4.2BLACK SEA | 4.2Black Sea | 29Black Sea |
4.3AZOV SEA | 4.3Azov Sea | 30Azov Sea |
Geographical coordinates for GFCM Geographical Sub-Area (GSAs)
1 | Coast Line
36° N 5° 36′ W
36° N 3° 20' W
36° 05' N 3° 20' W
36° 05' N 2° 40' W
36° N 2° 40' W
36° N 1° 30' W
36° 30' N 1° 30' W
36° 30' N 1° W
37° 36' N 1° W
2 | 36° 05' N 3° 20' W
36° 05' N 2° 40' W
35° 45' N 3° 20' W
35° 45' N 3° 40' W
3 | Coast Line
36° N 5° 36' W
35° 49' N 5° 36' W
36° N 3° 20' W
35° 45' N 3° 20' W
35° 45' N 2° 40' W
36° N 2° 40' W
36° N 1° 13' W
Morocco-Algeria border
4 | Coast Line
36° N 1° 13' W
36° N 1° 30' W
36° 30' N 1° 30' W
36° 30' N 1° W
37° N 1° W
37° N 0° 30' E
38° N 0° 30' E
38° N 8° 30' E
Algeria-Tunisia border
Morocco-Algeria border
5 | 38° N 0° 30' E
39° 30' N 0° 30' E
39° 30' N 1° 30' W
40° N 1° 30' E
40° N 2° E
40° 30' N 2° E
40° 30' N6° E
38° N 6° E
6 | Coast Line
37° 36' N 1° W
37° N 1° W
37° N 0° 30' E
39° 30' N 0° 30' E
39° 30' N 1° 30' W
40° N 1° 30' E
40° N 2° E
40° 30' N 2° E
40° 30' N 6° E
42° 30' N 6° E
42° 30' N 3° 09' E
7 | Coast line
42° 30' N 3° 09' E
42° 30' N 6° E
42° 30' N 7° 30' E
France-Italy border
8 | 42° 30' N 6° E
42° 30' N 7° 30' E
43° 15' N 7° 30' E
43° 15' N 9° 45' E
41° 18' N 9° 45' E
41° 18' N 6° E
9 | Coast line
France-Italy border
43° 15' N 7° 30' E
43° 15' N 9° 45' E
41° 18' N 9° 45' E
41° 18 N 13° E
10 | Coast line (including North Sicily)
41° 18' N 13° E
41° 18' N 11° E
38° N 11° E
38° N 12° 30' E
11 | 41° 18' N 6° E
41° 18' N 11° E
38° 30' N 11° E
38° 30' N 8° 30' E
38° N 8° 30' E
38° N 6° E
12 | Coast line
Algeria-Tunisia border
38° N 8° 30' E
38° 30' N 8° 30' E
38° 30' N 11° E
38° N 11° E
37° N 12° E
37° N 11° 04' E
13 | Coast line
37° N 11° 04' E
37° N 12° E
35° N 13° 30' E
35° N 11° E
14 | Coast line
35° N 11° E
35° N 15° 18' E
Tunisia-Libya border
15 | 36° 30' N 13° 30' E
35° N 13° 30' E
35° N 15°18' E
36° 30' N 15° 18' E
16 | Coast line
38° N 12° 30' E
38° N 11° E
37° N 12° E
35° N 13° 30' E
36° 30' N 13° 30' E
36° 30' N 15° 18' E
37° N 15° 18' E
17 | Coast line
41° 55' N 15° 08' E
Croatia-Montenegro border
18 | Coast line (both sides)
41° 55' N 15° 08' E
40° 04' N 18° 29' E
Croatia-Montenegro border
Albania-Greece border
19 | Coast line (including East Sicily)
40° 04' N 18° 29' E
37° N 15° 18' E
35° N 15° 18' E
35° N 19° 10' E
39° 58' N 19° 10' E
20 | Coast line
Albania-Greece border
39° 58' N 19° 10' E
35° N 19° 10' E
35° N 23° E
36° 30' N 23° E
21 | Coast line
Tunisia-Libya border
35° N 15° 18' E
35° N 23° E
34° N 23° E
34° N 25° 09 'E
Libya-Egypt border
22 | Coast line
36° 30' N 23° E
36° N 23° E
36° N 26° 30' E
34° N 26° 30' E
34° N 29° E
36° 43' N 29° E
23 | 36°N 23° E
36° N 26° 30' E
34° N 26° 30' E
34° N 23° E
24 | Coast line
36° 43' N 29° E
34° N 29° E
34° N 32° E
35° 47' N 32° E
35° 47' N 35° E
Turkey-Syria border
25 | 35° 47' N 32° E
34° N 32° E
34° N 35° E
35° 47' N 35° E
26 | Coast line
Libya-Egypt border
34° N 25° 09' E
34° N 34° 13' E
Egypt-Gaza Strip border
27 | Coast line
Egypt-Gaza Strip border
34° N 34° 13' E
34° N 35° E
35° 47' N 35° E
Turkey-Syria border
28 | |
29 | |
30 | |
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