

Article 19Jurisdiction and prosecution

1.Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to establish its jurisdiction over the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 12 and 14 where:

(a)the offence is committed in whole or in part in its territory;

(b)the offence is committed on board a vessel flying its flag or an aircraft registered there;

(c)the offender is one of its nationals or residents;

(d)the offence is committed for the benefit of a legal person established in its territory;

(e)the offence is committed against the institutions or people of the Member State in question or against an institution, body, office or agency of the Union based in that Member State.

Each Member State may extend its jurisdiction if the offence is committed in the territory of another Member State.

2.Each Member State may extend its jurisdiction over providing training for terrorism as referred to in Article 7, where the offender provides training to its nationals or residents, in cases where paragraph 1 of this Article is not applicable. The Member State shall inform the Commission thereof.

3.When an offence falls within the jurisdiction of more than one Member State and when any of the Member States concerned can validly prosecute on the basis of the same facts, the Member States concerned shall cooperate in order to decide which of them will prosecute the offenders with the aim, if possible, of centralising proceedings in a single Member State. To this end, the Member States may have recourse to Eurojust in order to facilitate cooperation between their judicial authorities and the coordination of their action.

Account shall be taken of the following factors:

(a)the Member State shall be that in the territory of which the offence was committed;

(b)the Member State shall be that of which the offender is a national or resident;

(c)the Member State shall be the country of origin of the victims;

(d)the Member State shall be that in the territory of which the offender was found.

4.Each Member State shall take the necessary measures also to establish its jurisdiction over the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 12 and 14 in cases where it refuses to surrender or extradite a person suspected or convicted of such an offence to another Member State or to a third country.

5.Each Member State shall ensure that its jurisdiction covers cases in which any of the offences referred to in Articles 4 and 14 has been committed in whole or in part within its territory, regardless of where the terrorist group is based or pursues its criminal activities.

6.This Article shall not exclude the exercise of jurisdiction in criminal matters as laid down by a Member State in accordance with its national law.