
Article 9Criminal offence

1.Member States shall ensure that the infringement of the prohibition referred to in Article 3 constitutes a criminal offence when committed intentionally, in each of the following circumstances as defined by national law:

(a)the infringement continues or is persistently repeated;

(b)the infringement is in respect of the simultaneous employment of a significant number of illegally staying third-country nationals;

(c)the infringement is accompanied by particularly exploitative working conditions;

(d)the infringement is committed by an employer who, while not having been charged with or convicted of an offence established pursuant to Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA, uses work or services exacted from an illegally staying third-country national with the knowledge that he or she is a victim of trafficking in human beings;

(e)the infringement relates to the illegal employment of a minor.

2.Member States shall ensure that inciting, aiding and abetting the intentional conduct referred to in paragraph 1 is punishable as a criminal offence.