Council Directive 2006/69/ECShow full title

Council Directive 2006/69/EC of 24 July 2006 amending Directive 77/388/EEC as regards certain measures to simplify the procedure for charging value added tax and to assist in countering tax evasion or avoidance, and repealing certain Decisions granting derogations

Article 3

Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive.

They shall apply the provisions necessary to comply with Article 1(3), as concerns a new Article 11A(7) of Directive 77/388/EEC, and with Article 1(4), as concerns the reference in Article 17(4) points (a) and (b) of Directive 77/388/EEC in the version set out in Article 28f(1) to Article 21(1)(f) of that Directive, from 1 January 2008 at the latest.

When Member States adopt provisions under this Directive, they shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions, which shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.