

Appendix 2Requirements applicable to two-wheel mopeds, two-wheel motorcycles and tricycles equipped with anti-lock devices


3.1.Each controlled wheel must be such that it can bring at least its own device into operation.
3.2.Any break in the supply of electricity to the device and/or in the wiring external to the electronic controller(s) must be signalled to the driver by an optical warning signal, which must be visible even in daylight; it must be easy for the driver to check that it is in working order(1).
3.3.In the event of a failure in an anti-lock device, the braking efficiency of the laden vehicle must not be less than that prescribed for whichever is the lower of the two requirements for the vehicle defined in or of Appendix 1.
3.4.The operation of the device must not be affected adversely by electro-magnetic fields(2).
3.5.Anti-lock devices must maintain their performance when the brake is fully applied for the duration of any stop.

The technical service should examine the electronic controller and/or any drive system with regard to possible failure modes.


Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturers must provide the technical services with their test procedures and results.