Council Directive 92/91/EECShow full title

Council Directive 92/91/EEC of 3 November 1992 concerning the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in the mineral-extracting industries through drilling (eleventh individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)

6.2.Protection from harmful atmospheresU.K.
6.2.1.Where harmful substances accumulate or may accumulate in the atmosphere, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure their collection at source and removal.U.K.

The system must be capable of dispersing such harmful atmosphere in such a way that workers are not at risk.

6.2.2.Without prejudice to Directive 89/656/EEC(1), appropriate and sufficient breathing and resuscitation equipment must be available in areas where workers must be exposed to atmospheres which are harmful to health.U.K.

In such cases, a sufficient number of workers trained to use such equipment must be present at the workplace.

The equipment must be suitably stored and maintained.

6.2.3.Where hydrogen sulphide or other toxic gases are or may be present in the atmosphere, a protection plan detailing the protective equipment available and the preventive measures taken must be held at the disposal of the competent authorities.U.K.