
CHAPTER 2 Harmonization of legislation concerning firearms

Article 4

At least in respect of categories A and B, each Member State shall make the pursuit of the activity of dealer within its territory conditional upon authorization on the basis of at least a check on the private and professional integrity of the dealer. In the case of a legal person, the check shall be on the person who directs the undertaking. In respect of categories C and D, each Member State which does not make the pursuit of the activity of dealer conditional upon authorization shall make such activity subject to a declaration.

Each dealer shall be required to keep a register in which information concerning all firearms classified in category A, B or C received or disposed of by him shall be recorded, including such particulars as enable the weapon to be identified, in particular the type, make, model, calibre and serial number thereof and the names and addresses of the supplier and the person acquiring the weapon. The Member States shall regularly check dealers' compliance with this obligation. The dealer shall conserve the register for a period of five years, even after he has ceased his activity.

Article 5

Without prejudice to Article 3, Member States shall allow the acquisition and possession of firearms classified in category B only by persons who have good cause and who:


are 18 years old or more, except for hunting or target shooting;


are not likely to be a danger to themselves, to public order or to public safety.

Without prejudice to Article 3, Member States shall allow the possession of firearms classified in categories C and D only by persons satisfying the conditions in point (a) of the first paragraph.

Member States may withdraw authorization for possession of the firearm if any of the conditions in point (b) of the first paragraph is no longer satisfied.

Member States may not prohibit persons resident within their territories from possessing a weapon acquired in another Member State unless they prohibit the acquisition of the same weapon within their own territories.

Article 6

Member States shall take all appropriate steps to prohibit the acquisition and the possession of the firearms and ammunition classified in category A. In special cases, the competent authorities may grant authorizations for such firearms and ammunition where this is not contrary to public security or public order.

Article 7

1.No one may acquire a firearm classified in category B within the territory of a Member State unless that Member State has so authorized him.

No such authorization may be given to a resident of another Member State without the latter's prior agreement.

2.No one may be in possession of a firearm classified in category B within the territory of a Member State unless that Member State has so authorized him. If he is a resident of another Member State, that other Member State shall be informed accordingly.

3.An authorization to acquire and an authorization to possess a firearm classified in category B may take the form of a single administrative decision.

Article 8

1.No one may be in possession of a firearm classified in category C unless he has declared it to the authorities of the Member State in which that firearm is held.

The Member States shall provide for the compulsory declaration of all firearms classified in category C at present held within their territories but not previously declared within one year of the entry into force of the national provisions transposing this Directive.

2.Every seller, dealer or private person shall inform the authorities of the Member State in which it takes place of every transfer or handing over of a firearm classified in category C, giving the particulars by which the firearm and the person acquiring it may be identified. If the person acquiring such a firearm is a resident of another Member State, that other Member State shall be informed of the acquisition by the Member State in which it took place and by the person acquiring the firearm.

3.If a Member State prohibits or makes subject to authorization the acquisition and possession within its territory of a firearm classified in category B, C or D, it shall so inform the other Member States, which shall expressly include a statement to that effect on any European firearms pass they issue for such a firearm, pursuant to Article 12 (2).

Article 9

1.The handing over of a firearm classified in category A, B or C to a person who is not resident in the Member State in question shall be permitted, subject to compliance with the obligations laid down in Articles 6, 7 and 8:

2.Member States may authorize the temporary handing over of firearms in accordance with procedures which they shall lay down.

Article 10

The arrangements for the acquisition and possession of ammunition shall be the same as those for the possession of the firearms for which the ammunition is intended.