ANNEXEU support to ballistic missile non-proliferation in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and of the Council Common Position 2003/805/CFSP


2.2.Project 2: Support To Ballistic Missile Non-Proliferation

2.2.1.Purpose of the project

Beyond the HCoC, the continued proliferation of ballistic missiles capable of delivering WMD constitutes a cause of growing concern for the international community, in particular ongoing missiles programmes in the Middle-East, North-East Asia and South Asia, including Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

More generally, the project will support a range of activities to fight against the proliferation of ballistic missiles, aimed in particular at raising awareness of the threat, stepping up efforts to increase the effectiveness of multilateral instruments, building up support to initiatives to address those specific challenges and helping interested countries to reinforce nationally their relevant export control regimes.

2.2.2.Description of the project

The project provides for three types of measures:

  1. (a)

    The publication of food-for-thought papers. Possible subjects could include:

    • legally-binding measures on short-range and intermediate range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles;

    • further multilateral steps to prevent the threat of missile proliferation and to promote disarmament efforts in the field of ballistic missile, focusing in particular on possible confidence-building measures;

    • export and transit control mechanisms.

  2. (b)

    The organisation of three awareness-building sessions about dual-use technology and knowledge transfer issues in order to prevent them in the field of ballistic missiles. The sessions will allow considering both trends in the technology transfer for ballistic missiles and what could be promoted to prevent it at an early stage. To this end, FRS will organise three workshops for experts from scientific, space and industry communities of HCoC subscribing and non-subscribing States.

  3. (c)

    Targeted expert missions outside the Union. In coordination with the European Union Centres of Excellence, two experts on ballistic missile non-proliferation will conduct field missions in targeted countries. Possible destinations could include, but are not limited to, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, China, Algeria, South Africa, India, Brazil, Thailand and Mexico. The final list of countries will be defined in close cooperation with the EEAS, as well as the opportunity of joint demarches with UN 1540 Committee outreach efforts.

2.2.3.Expected results of the project

  • Fostering missile non-proliferation;

  • Promoting multilateral efforts curbing missile proliferation including the HCoC;

  • Encouraging the debate on new initiatives aimed at curbing missile proliferation;

  • Raising awareness about dual-use technology and knowledge transfer issues in order to prevent them in the field of ballistic missiles through awareness-building sessions.

2.2.4.Project beneficiaries

The Union and the Member States will benefit from the food-for-thought papers; wider distribution will be decided by the HR in close consultation with Member States in the framework of the competent Council Working Party. The final Decision will be based on proposals by the implementing entity in accordance with Article 2(2).

Awareness-building sessions will be an opportunity to engage the wider community of experts on space and missile issues by holding sessions for representatives of the industry, of the research community, and beyond.

Targeted expert missions will focus on key non-subscribing States or on regional players with an important role in technological transfers and space related activities.