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The implementation of the projects will be initiated by a Steering Committee with an objective of determining procedures and modalities for cooperation. The Steering Committee will review the implementation of the projects regularly, at least once every six months, including by using electronic communication means.

The Steering Committee will be composed of the representatives of HR and UN ODA.

The applications of States Parties, which are not EU Member States, for any assistance and cooperation under this decision shall be addressed to the UN ODA. The UN ODA will review and assess those applications, as appropriate, and submit recommendations to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will examine the applications for assistance as well as the Action Plans and their implementation. On the proposal of the HR, and taking into account the outcomes of discussions in the Steering Committee, the HR will make the final decision on the beneficiary countries in consultation with the competent working parties of the Council.

To ensure a strong ownership and sustainability of EU-initiated activities by beneficiary countries, it is envisaged that whenever possible and appropriate, selected beneficiaries will be asked to prepare the Action Plans, which will inter alia specify the timetable for carrying out funded activities (including those funded through national resources), the scope and the duration of the project, the main stakeholders. The UN ODA, or EU Member States as appropriate, will be associated with the preparation of those Action Plans. The implementation of the projects will be carried out in accordance with the Action Plans.