



Amount to be recovered from or paid to the Member State

MS2009 — Expenditure/Assigned Revenue for the Paying Agencies for which the accounts areTotal a + bReductions and suspensions for the whole financial yearaReductions according to Article 32 of Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005Total including reductions and suspensionsPayments made to the Member State for the financial yearAmount to be recovered from (–) or paid to (+) the Member StatebAmount recovered from (–) or paid to (+) the Member State under Decision 2010/258/EUAmount recovered from (–) or paid to (+) the Member State under Decision 2010/730/EUAmount to be recovered from (–) or paid to (+) the Member Stateb
= expenditure/assigned revenue declared in the annual declaration= total of the expenditure/assigned revenue in the monthly declarations
abc = a + bdef = c + d + egh = f – gii’j = h – I – i’
ITEUR4 734 018 409,620,04 734 018 409,62-8 483 198,39-14 355 208,394 711 180 002,844 728 063 868,22-16 883 865,38-2 395 176,690,0-14 488 688,69
ROEUR580 639 557,260,0580 639 557,26-9 399 922,540,0571 239 634,72575 930 420,08-4 690 785,360,00,0-4 690 785,36

The reductions and suspensions are those taken into account in the payment system, to which are added in particular the corrections for the non respect of payment deadlines established in August, September and October 2009.


For the calculation of the amount to be recovered from or paid to the Member State the amount taken into account is, the total of the annual declaration for the expenditure cleared (col.a) or, the total of the monthly declarations for the expenditure disjoined (col.b).

Applicable exchange rate: Article 7(2) of the Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/2006.


If the Assigned revenue part would be in advantage of Member State, it has to be declared under 05 07 01 06.


If the Assigned revenue part of the Sugar Fund would be in the advantage of the Member State, it has to be declared under 05 02 16 02.

MSExpenditurecAssigned revenuecSugar FundArticle 32 (= e)Total (= h)
ExpendituredAssigned revenued
05 07 01 06670105 02 16 0268036702
klmnop = k + l + m + n + o
ITEUR204 519,71-2 768 132,080,00,0-11 925 076,32-14 488 688,69
ROEUR-4 690 785,360,00,00,00,0-4 690 785,36

NB: Nomenclature 2011: 05 07 01 06, 05 02 16 02, 6701, 6702, 6803