Commission Decision of 23 November 2010 approving annual and multiannual programmes and the financial contribution from the Union for the eradication, control and monitoring of certain animal diseases and zoonoses presented by the Member States for 2011 and following years (notified under document C(2010) 8125) (2010/712/EU)

Article 11Rabies

1.The multiannual programme for the eradication of rabies submitted by Italy is hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012.

2.The multiannual programme for the eradication of rabies submitted by Latvia is hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013.

3.The second year of the multiannual programmes for the eradication of rabies submitted by Lithuania and Austria are hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.

4.The fourth year of the multiannual programme for the eradication of rabies submitted by Slovenia is hereby approved for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.

5.The financial contribution by the Union:

(a)shall include a lump sum of EUR 5 per wild animal sampled;

(b)shall be at the rate of 75 % of the costs to be incurred by each Member State referred to in paragraph 1 for the cost of:


carrying out laboratory tests for the detection of rabies antigen or antibodies;


the isolation and characterisation of rabies virus;


the detection of biomarker and the titration of vaccine baits;


the purchase and distribution of oral vaccine plus baits;


the purchase and administration to livestock of parenteral vaccines; and

(c)shall not exceed the following for the year 2011:


EUR 2 250 000 for Italy;


EUR 1 800 000 for Latvia;


EUR 2 700 000 for Lithuania;


EUR 200 000 for Austria;


EUR 740 000 for Slovenia.

6.The maximum of the costs to be reimbursed to the Member States for the programmes referred to in paragraph 1 shall on average not exceed:

(a) for a serological test


EUR 12 per test;

(b) for a test to detect tetracycline in bone


EUR 12 per test;

(c) for a fluorescent antibody test (FAT)


EUR 18 per test;

(d) for the purchase of oral vaccine plus baits


EUR 0,60 per dose;

(e) for the distribution of oral vaccine plus baits


EUR 0,35 per dose;

(f) for the purchase of parenteral vaccine


EUR 1 per dose;

(g) for the administration of rabies vaccines to livestock animals


EUR 1,50 per animal vaccinated, regardless of the number of doses used.

7.Notwithstanding paragraphs 5 and 6, for the part of the Lithuanian multiannual programme that will be implemented outside its territory, the financial contribution by the Union shall:

(a)be granted only for the costs for the purchase and the distribution of oral vaccine plus baits;

(b)be at the rate of 100 %; and

(c)not exceed EUR 1 100 000 for the year 2011.

8.The maximum of the costs to be reimbursed for the costs referred to in paragraph 7 shall on average not exceed:

(a) for the purchase of oral vaccine plus baits


EUR 0,60 per dose;

(b) for the distribution of oral vaccine plus baits


EUR 0,35 per dose.