Council Decision 2010/430/CFSPShow full title

Council Decision 2010/430/CFSP of 26 July 2010 establishing a European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks in support of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

3. Description of the projects

3.1. Project 1: Organisation of a kick-off meeting and an annual conference with a report and/or recommendations

3.1.1. Purpose of the project

The objective of the kick-off meeting is to establish a European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks that are based in the Union. The kick-off meeting, chaired by the representative of the HR, will organise the network’s activities and prepare an annual conference with a view to submitting a report and/or recommendations to the representative of the HR.

The annual, Carnegie-type of non-proliferation conference, with the participation of governmental experts and independent think tanks from the Union and third countries, would discuss and identify further measures to combat the proliferation of WMD and their delivery systems and to address challenges related to conventional weapons, including countering the illicit trade and excessive accumulation of SALW and their ammunition. The annual conference could be divided into thematic blocks and a concluding plenary session, chaired by the representative of the HR.

On the basis of the annual conference, a policy-oriented report will be produced together with a set of action-oriented recommendations to the representative of the HR. The report would be disseminated to the relevant institutions of the Union and the Member States and made available online.

3.1.2. Results of the project
  • establish a modus operandi for the European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks,

  • establish a major European non-proliferation conference that would become the key venue for promoting strategic discussion of measures to combat the proliferation of WMD and their delivery systems and to address challenges related to conventional weapons, including countering the illicit trade and excessive accumulation of SALW and their ammunition,

  • submit a policy-oriented report and/or action-oriented recommendations that would enhance the implementation of the EU WMD and SALW Strategies and constitute a useful stepping stone for non-proliferation and conventional weapons-related action by the Union and the international community,

  • increase the awareness and knowledge of the institutions of the Union, of Member States, civil society and third countries about threats related to WMD and their means of delivery, allowing them to improve anticipation.

3.1.3. Description of the project

The project provides for the organisation of two kick-off meetings, two annual meetings and the preparation of two reports and/or recommendations:

  • a kick-off meeting with the participation of up to 50 independent think tanks from the Union, specialised in non-proliferation and conventional weapons issues, including SALW,

  • a yearly conference with the participation of governmental experts and up to 200 independent think tanks from the Union and third countries, specialised in non-proliferation and conventional weapons issues, including SALW,

  • a policy oriented report and/or action-oriented recommendations that would boost the implementation of the EU WMD and SALW Strategies.

3.2. Project 2: Creation of an Internet platform

3.2.1. Purpose of the project

The establishment of an Internet website will facilitate intersessional contacts between the network meetings and foster research dialogue among the non-proliferation think tanks. The institutions of the Union and Member States could also benefit from a dedicated website where network participants are free to exchange information, share their ideas and to publish their studies on non-proliferation of WMD and their means of delivery and conventional weapons issues, including SALW. The website could be accompanied by an e-newsletter.

The project will provide an online follow-up to the events and a window for European research. It will contribute to efficient dissemination of research results among the think tank community and to governmental circles. This will lead to better anticipation and knowledge of threats linked to the proliferation of WMD and their means of delivery, and conventional weapons, including the illicit trade and excessive accumulation of SALW and their ammunition.

3.2.2. Results of the project
  • establish a platform where non-proliferation think tanks can share their independent views and analysis on WMD proliferation and conventional weapons issues, including SALW,

  • promote a better understanding of the EU WMD and SALW Strategies within the civil society and serve as an interface between the Union and the network of think tanks,

  • allow the free download of documents from the network’s meetings and from independent think tanks who may wish to share their research results without financial compensation,

  • increase awareness and knowledge of the institutions of the Union, the Member States, civil society and third countries about threats related to conventional weapons, WMD and their means of delivery, allowing them to improve anticipation.

3.2.3. Description of the project

The use of a social network-service type of technology, when feasible and appropriate, could be explored in order to save costs and allow active online communication and information exchange between the network participants in a familiar environment. The EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, in charge of the project, would be responsible for webhosting, webdesign and technical maintenance of the website. The consortium could provide basic training to the representative of the HR and the relevant Council working parties on the website.