Council Decision 2010/108/CFSPShow full title

Council Decision 2010/108/CFSP of 22 February 2010 extending the mandate of the European Union Special Representative in the Republic of Moldova

Article 3U.K.Mandate

1.In order to achieve the policy objectives, the mandate of the EUSR shall be to:

(a)strengthen the Union’s contribution to the resolution of the Transnistria conflict in accordance with agreed Union policy objectives and in close coordination with the OSCE, representing the Union through appropriate channels and in agreed fora and by developing and maintaining close contacts with all relevant actors;

(b)assist in the preparation, as appropriate, of Union contributions to the implementation of an eventual conflict settlement;

(c)follow closely political developments in the Republic of Moldova, including in the Transnistrian region, by developing and maintaining close contacts with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and other domestic actors, and offer, as appropriate, the Union’s advice and facilitation;

(d)assist in the further development of the Union’s policy towards the Republic of Moldova and the region, in particular regarding conflict prevention and conflict resolution;

(e)through a support team led by a Senior Political Adviser to the EUSR:


assure political overview of developments and activities related to the Moldovan-Ukrainian state border;


analyse the political commitment of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to improving border management;


promote cooperation on border issues between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, also in view of building preconditions for a settlement to the Transnistrian conflict;

(f)contribute to the implementation of the EU human rights policy and EU Guidelines on Human Rights, in particular with regard to children and women in conflict-affected areas, especially by monitoring and addressing developments in this regard.

2.For the purpose of the fulfilment of his mandate, the EUSR shall maintain an overview of all Union activities, notably the relevant aspects of the ENP Action Plan.