Council Decision 2008/974/CFSPShow full title

Council Decision 2008/974/CFSP of 18 December 2008 in support of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

2.3.Project 3: Promotion of the further enhancement and improved functioning of the CodeU.K.

2.3.1.Purpose of the projectU.K.

The security environment is evolving constantly, including in the area of proliferation of the means capable to deliver Weapons of Mass Destruction. The subscribing States meet annually and assess the implementation of the Code as well as the new trends in the proliferation of ballistic missiles and related technologies.

The project will promote more in-depth discussion among subscribing States, and, when appropriate, include non-subscribing States in a more informal setting and will provide for access to technical expertise concerning ballistic missile proliferation outside governmental circles. The outcomes of the project could be submitted as a food-for-thought paper at the Annual Meeting of subscribing States.

2.3.2.Results of the projectU.K.
  • better understanding of current trends in ballistic missile proliferation and SLV programmes with recommendations for the subscribing States,

  • analysis of options how to motivate the subscribing States to undergo the Ballistic Missile and SLV programmes,

  • better understanding of the interface between the Code, the MTCR and bilateral and regional arrangements concerning confidence building measures in pursuit of the goal of missile non-proliferation and a definition of policy recommendations,

  • working papers or other forms of documentation from the workshops, which could be submitted by the EU to the HCoC Annual Meeting.

2.3.3.Description of the projectU.K.

The project will provide for two types of activities:


Financing of a study on the current trends in ballistic missiles and the dynamics in their proliferation, as well as SLV programmes, which could be submitted as a food-for-thought paper at the Annual Meeting of the subscribing States. In conducting this study, FRS will ensure that there is no duplication of work with the UN Group of Governmental Experts;


Financing of workshops of experts from the subscribing and non-subscribing States, both from the governmental and non-governmental sectors. The workshops could be organised in the margins of the Annual Meetings. The outcomes could be submitted as a working paper to the Annual Meeting of the subscribing States. The workshops will address the following issues:

  • The interface between the Code, the MTCR and bilateral and regional confidence building measure arrangements in pursuit of the goal of missile non-proliferation as well as between the Code and the UN system (UNGA),

  • How to motivate the subscribing States to undergo the ballistic missile and SLV programmes.