Commission Decision of 5 September 2008 setting up an advisory structure of Scientific Committees and experts in the field of consumer safety, public health and the environment and repealing Decision 2004/210/EC (Text with EEA relevance) (2008/721/EC)


Article 3U.K.Appointment of the members of the Scientific Committees

1.The SCCS, the SCHER and the SCENIHR shall each consist of a maximum of 17 members and may associate, at their own initiative, up to 5 scientific advisors from the Pool to contribute to the Committee work on specific issues or disciplines.

2.The members of the Scientific Committees shall be appointed by the Commission on the basis of their expertise and consistent with this a geographical distribution that reflects the diversity of scientific problems and approaches, notably in Europe. The Commission shall determine the number of members of each Committee in accordance with the requisite needs.

The members of each Scientific Committee shall be experts in one or more of the fields of competence of that Committee and shall collectively cover the widest possible range of disciplines.

3.The Commission shall appoint the members of the Scientific Committees from a list of suitable candidates established following publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the Commission website of a call for expressions of interest.

4.No member of a Scientific Committee may be appointed to more than one of the Committees set out in Article 1(1).

Article 4U.K.Establishment of the Pool

1.The Pool shall consist of scientific advisors who are experts in one or more of the fields of competence defined in Annex I or on related subjects, covering collectively the widest possible range of disciplines.

2.The Commission shall appoint scientific advisors to the Pool from a list of suitable candidates established following publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and on the Commission website of a call for expressions of interest.

3.The number of scientific advisors in the Pool at any time shall be decided by the Commission based on its needs for scientific advice.

Article 5U.K.Terms of office

1.Members of the Scientific Committees shall be appointed for a term of three years, and may not serve for more than three consecutive terms in the same Committee. They shall remain in office until they are replaced or their appointments are renewed.

In order to safeguard the continuity of the expertise, the Commission may, in exceptional circumstances, prolong the terms of office of the members of a Scientific Committee for a period not exceeding 18 months.

Members who have just completed three consecutive terms of office in a Scientific Committee shall be eligible for membership of another Scientific Committee.

2.When a member does not comply with the participation criteria which shall be laid down in the rules of procedures referred to in Article 12, or wishes to resign, the Commission may terminate the member’s membership and appoint a replacement from the Pool.

3.Scientific advisors shall be appointed to the Pool for a period of five years and their appointment may be renewed.