Commission Decision of 4 March 2008 adopting the SIRENE Manual and other implementing measures for the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (2008/334/JHA)

1.2.SIRENE Manual

The SIRENE Manual is a set of instructions for the SIRENE Bureaux, which describes in detail the rules and procedures governing the bilateral or multilateral exchange of supplementary information. It constitutes an implementing measure necessary for the operational use of the SIS II as laid down in the SIS II legal instruments.

Detailed rules for the exchange of supplementary information shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure defined in Article 51(2) of SIS II Regulation and Article 67 of SIS II Decision and in the form of a manual called the ‘SIRENE Manual’.


This text is identical to the text in the Annex to Commission Decision 2008/333/EC (see page 4 of this Official Journal).