
Article 1

The state aid measure in the form of restructuring aid for KG Holding NV amounting to EUR 45 million does not fulfil the requirements of the Community guidelines on state aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty and is therefore incompatible with the common market.

Article 2

1.The Netherlands shall take all necessary measures to recover from KG Holding NV and Kliq BV that part of the aid referred to in Article 1 that was transferred as a EUR 9,25 million rescue loan by KG Holding NV to its subsidiary Kliq BV, plus any interest.

2.Recovery shall be effected without delay and in accordance with the procedures of national law, provided that they allow the immediate and effective implementation of this Decision.

3.The amount to be recovered shall bear interest from the date on which the individual parts thereof were first put at the disposal of the beneficiaries until the date of their actual recovery.

4.The interest to be recovered pursuant to paragraph 3 shall be calculated in accordance with the methods set out in Articles 9 and 11 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004(1).

Article 3

The Netherlands shall register its claim of EUR 35,75 million on the KG Holding NV and/or Kliq Reïntegratie as a creditor in the bankruptcy proceedings with the curator. The Netherlands shall ensure that the undertakings are liquidated in a manner that will put an end to the distortion of competition, with the activities of the undertakings concerned being terminated and their assets sold on market terms as soon as possible.

Article 4

The Netherlands shall inform the Commission, within two months of notification of this Decision, of the measures planned and already taken to comply with it.

Article 5

This Decision is addressed to the Netherlands.

Done at Brussels, 19 July 2006.

For the Commission

Neelie Kroes

Member of the Commission