
Political and Security Committee Decision EUPOL Kinshasa/2/2005

of 22 November 2005

extending the mandate of the Head of Mission of the EU Police Mission in Kinshasa (DRC), EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’



Having regard to the Treaty on European Union and in particular Article 25(3) thereof,

Having regard to Council Joint Action 2004/847/CFSP of 9 December 2004 on the European Union Police Mission in Kinshasa (DRC) regarding the Integrated Police Unit (EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’)(1), and in particular Article 5 and 8 thereof,


(1) On 9 December 2004, the Political and Security Committee adopted Decision EUPOL Kinshasa/1/2004(2) appointing Mr Adílio Custódio as Head of Mission of EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’.

(2) The abovementioned Decision expires on 31 December 2005.

(3) On 7 November 2005 the Council agreed to extend EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’ for a further period of 12 months.

(4) The Secretary—General/High Representative has proposed the extension of the mandate of Mr Adílio Custódio as Head of Mission of EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’ until the end of the Mission.

(5) The mandate of the Head of Mission of EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’ should therefore be extended until the end of the Mission,


Article 1

The mandate of Mr Adílio Custódio as Head of Mission of EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’ is hereby extended until the end of the Mission.

Article 2

This Decision shall take effect on the day of its adoption.

It shall apply until the end of the Mission EUPOL ‘Kinshasa’.

Done at Brussels, 22 November 2005.

For the Political and Security Committee

The President

J. King