Commission Decision of 8 December 2005 granting a derogation requested by the Netherlands pursuant to Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (notified under document number C(2005) 4778) (Only the Dutch text is authentic) (2005/880/EC)

Article 10Reporting

1.The competent authority shall submit the results of the monitoring, every year, to the Commission, with a concise report on evaluation practice (controls at farm level, including information on non compliant farms based on results of administrative and field inspections) and water quality evolution (based on root zone leaching monitoring, surface/ground water quality and model-based calculations).

The first report shall be transmitted by March 2007, and subsequently every year by March in 2008, 2009 and 2010.

2.In addition to the data referred to in paragraph 1 the report shall include the following:

(a)data related to fertilisation in all farms which benefit from an individual derogation;

(b)trends in livestock numbers for each livestock category in the Netherlands and in derogation farms;

(c)trends in national manure production as far as nitrogen and phosphate in manure are concerned;

(d)a summary of the results of controls related to excretion coefficients for pig and poultry manure at country level.

3.The results thus obtained will be taken into consideration by the Commission with regard to an eventual new request for derogation by the Dutch authorities.

4.In order to provide elements regarding management in grassland farms, for which a derogation applies, and the achieved level of optimisation of management, a report on fertilisation and yield shall be prepared annually for the different soil types and crops by the competent authority and submitted to the Commission.