Commission Decision of 18 February 2004 on restructuring aid implemented by Germany for Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG (notified under document number C(2004) 327) (Only the German text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance) (2005/345/EC)

Article 2(1)(c)U.K.

Germany will ensure that, for balance‐sheet purposes, the BGB group will, in accordance with the rules set out below, sell or liquidate by 31 December 2005 at the latest all holdings in real estate service companies that are covered by the risk shield of 16 April 2002.

By 31 December 2004 the Land and the bank will definitively determine those holdings in real estate service companies that appear suitable for sale to third parties. These holdings are to be sold by way of a transparent, open and non‐discriminatory tendering procedure.

Holdings in real estate service companies that are neither liquidated nor sold to third parties by the balance‐sheet date of 31 December 2005 will be acquired by the Land of Berlin on market terms. The purchase price will be determined by 31 March 2005 on the basis of a valuation carried out by an independent auditor commissioned by the Land, with a subsequent review by an independent auditor appointed by the bank. This will take place on the basis of recognised valuation procedures. In the event of a divergence between the two valuations and in the absence of agreement between the contracting parties, the value will be determined by a third expert to be appointed by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (German Auditors Institute). The independent value assessments will be sent to the Commission by 31 July 2005 at the latest.

The business of the real estate service companies that are to be transferred to the Land or wound up will be confined to the orderly management of the risks covered by the detailed agreement. The bank will invest in those companies to the extent necessary for that activity.

In order to avoid a heavy land transfer tax burden, a remaining holding of not more than 6 % in Immobilien- und Baumanagement der Bankgesellschaft Berlin GmbH (IBG) may remain within the Bankgesellschaft group. The group will not, however, have any influence over the management of IBG. Moreover, Immobilien und Beteiligungen Aktiengesellschaft (IBAG) can remain within the Bankgesellschaft group following the change of trade name and re-orientation of the Work‐out‐Competence Center as the holding company for the companies on the so‐called negative list(2) (companies excluded from the risk shield) in which the Bankgesellschaft group has shares. Apart from its function as the holding company for the companies on the negative list for the orderly administration and winding-up of the risks resulting from these companies and as the Work‐out‐Competence Center in connection with the liquidation of real estate financing, IBAG will, however, no longer carry on any real estate service business.


The following summarises the contents of the commitments communicated by Germany on 6 February 2004. The original German text of the communication contains the wording relevant for this decision.


Annexes 4.1, 11.1, 22.1, 29.1, 37.1.2 and 44.1 to the detailed agreement of 16 April 2002; Annex 25 to the notification.