F1ANNEXReporting Questionnaire


Council Directive 96/62/EC on ambient air quality assessment and management and Council Directive 1999/30/EC relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air as well as Directives 2000/69/EC relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air and 2002/3/EC relating to ozone in ambient air of the European Parliament and the Council


Form 24 Exceedence of limit values of PM10 due to winter sanding (1999/30/EC Article 5(5))

F1-Form 24a Contribution of winter sanding to exceedence of the PM10 limit value (stage 1; 24hr mean)

F1-Form 24b Contribution of winter sanding to exceedence of the PM10 limit value (stage 1; annual mean)