

TITLE VGeneral meetings

SECTION IProvisions applicable to both ordinary and extraordinary general meetings

Article 29 Convening of general meetings

The shareholders shall each year be convened by the Board of Directors to a general meeting which shall be held not later than six months after the end of the financial year at a place, date and hour of meeting stated in the notice.

An extraordinary general meeting may be convened either by the Board of Directors or, in urgent cases, by the Auditors. The Board shall, in cases other than those provided for in Article 41, convene a general meeting within one month upon requisition by shareholders representing not less than one-quarter of the capital.

Subject to the provisions of Article 41 concerning an extraordinary general meeting at the first session of which a quorum is not present, general meetings shall be convened at not less than fifteen days' prior notice either by publication in the form of a notice appearing in a publication which carries legal notices in the place at which the company has its seat or by registered letter addressed to each of the shareholders. This period may be reduced to eight days in cases where an ordinary meeting is convened extraordinarily or a second notice is given.

The notice shall state briefly the object of the meeting.