Decision on the establishment of the ‘Société d'énérgie nucléaire franco-belge des Ardennes’ Joint Undertaking

Article 28 Appointment and duties

The general meeting shall appoint, for such term and in such manner as the laws in force require, one or more Auditors, who may or may not be shareholders, to perform the duties assigned to them by those laws.

Auditors shall be eligible for re-election.

They shall have the right to convene a general meeting in cases of urgency.

If the general meeting has appointed two or more Auditors, one of them may act alone in the event of death, resignation, refusal to act or unavailability of the other Auditor or Auditors, provided he fulfils all the relevant conditions laid down by the laws in force.

The Auditors shall receive a remuneration the amount of which as determined by the general meeting shall remain unchanged until otherwise resolved by that meeting.