The White Moss Landfill Order 2015

Control of noise and dust emissions during construction and operation

19.—(1) During the construction and removal of the perimeter bunds and material storage mounds (as shown on the works plan, WS10003/WLL/PLANS/WORKS) the noise levels must be controlled to meet the construction noise limits specified in Table ES7 of the environmental statement. During mineral extraction, landfilling, maintenance, restoration and aftercare operations the application land must be operated to control noise so that noise levels recorded in free field conditions as a result of the proposed development do not exceed 55dBLAeq, 1h when measured from any point on the site boundary.

(2) All reversing warning systems fitted to mobile plant used on the application land must be either non audible or white noise type systems.

(3) All plant, equipment and other machinery used in connection with the operation and maintenance of the authorised project must be equipped with effective silencing equipment or sound proofing equipment to the standard of design set out in the manufacturer’s specification and must be maintained in accordance with the specification at all times.

(4) Throughout the operation of the authorised project, measures are to be taken to ensure that no dust or windblown materials are carried on to adjacent property and in particular are to include the watering of all haul and access roads and the spraying of storage heaps or areas of the landfilling and restoration areas as necessary during dry weather conditions.