The Adoption Agencies (Scotland) Regulations 1996

Disclosure of information to adopted person

25.  Where an adopted person who has attained the age of 16 years, if in Scotland, or 18 years, if in England or Wales, applies for counselling under section 45(6) of the Act or section 51 of the Adoption Act 1976(1), an adoption agency may disclose information which it has relating to that person’s adoption to–

(a)that adopted person;

(b)the local authority for the area in Scotland where the adopted person lives, if he has applied to them for counselling;

(c)the Registrar General for England and Wales;

(d)the local authority for the area in England and Wales where the adopted person is, if he has applied to them for counselling;

(e)the local authority for the area in England or Wales where the court sat which made the order relating to the adopted person, if he has applied to that authority for counselling.