
Schedule 3 toxic chemicals or precursors

5.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3) below, a person shall notify the Secretary of State on or before 15th January each year if he has—

(a)imported or exported during the previous calendar year any Schedule 3 toxic chemical or precursor; or

(b)operated a plant site in which the plants have together produced during the previous calendar year more than 30 tonnes of a Schedule 3 toxic chemical or precursor.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3) below, a person shall notify the Secretary of State on or before 30th June each year starting with 30th June 1998, if he anticipates operating a plant site in which the plants will together produce in the next calendar year more than 30 tonnes of a Schedule 3 toxic chemical or precursor. If such production in respect of a calendar year is planned after 30th June in the previous calendar year the person must notify the Secretary of State at least 45 days prior to the commencement of production.

(3) A person need not notify the Secretary of State in respect of the production, export or import of a Schedule 3 chemical or precursor if it was or is to be contained in a mixture and constituted or will constitute 10% or less of the mixture by weight.