


C.—(1) To deal with the overall planning, co-ordination, development and supervision of the academic work of the University.

(2) To admit to the University all persons for whom a place on a course of study is available and who are deemed able to benefit from the education provided at the University; to exclude any person from admission to any course, or part thereof, if the admission of the said person would be likely to prejudice the University.

(3) To prescribe such conditions as may be considered necessary and appropriate for admission to the University.

(4) To establish Faculties, Departments, Schools, Institutes or other groups, to prescribe their organisation, constitution and functions and to vary or abolish any such groups.

(5) To institute professorships and readerships, to confer such titles and to make such rules and conditions as they deem appropriate for the conferment of such titles.

(6) To confer the titles of emeritus professor, honorary professor, honorary reader, honorary lecturer.

(7) To institute, maintain and grant fellowships, scholarships, studentships, and other aids to and encouragements to research and education.

(8) To undertake, to assist others to undertake and to make provision for research, design, development, testing, consultancy, laboratory and other services and to charge such fees for these services as they may deem appropriate.

(9) To award degrees, diplomas, certificates and prizes, and to prescribe such rules and conditions as they deem appropriate for the receipt of the same.

(10) To arrange for the affiliation of the University with other educational institutions, associations or bodies whether public or private for any purposes connected with the University.

(11) To publish, print, provide and sell books, stationery and other goods as they deem appropriate.

(12) To frame such codes of discipline and regulations for students as may be necessary for the maintenance of the good order of the University.

(13) To keep a register of the graduates of the University.