
Statutory Instruments

1988 No. 1487


The Export of Goods (Control) (Amendment) Order 1988


19th August 1988

Coming into force

12th September 1988

The Secretary of State, in exercise of powers conferred by section 1 of the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Act 1939(1) and now vested in him(2), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:

1.  This Order may be cited as the Export of Goods (Control) (Amendment) Order 1988 and shall come into force on 12th September 1988.

2.  The Export of Goods (Control) Order 1987(3) shall be amended as follows—

(a)Article 2(vi) shall be deleted;

(b)in Group A of Part I of Schedule 1, in the entries relating to CN Headings No. 262030 (Ash and residues, (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals or metallic compounds — containing mainly copper), and No. 7404 (Copper waste and scrap), for the letters “E(S)” there shall be substituted the letter “E”;

(c)in Group 2A of Part II of Schedule 1, in entry A9 (Beryllium), in head (3), after the word “machines” there shall be inserted the words “and oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-fabricated forms specially designed for electronic component parts or as substrates for electronic circuits”;

(d)in Group 3A of Part II of Schedule 1—

(i)in entry IL1091, IL1093 (Machine tools and numerical control systems), in the exception to head (1), after sub-head (a) there shall be inserted the following new sub-head (aa):

(aa)jig-grinders having both of the following characteristics—

(i)overall positioning accuracy in any axis equal to or greater than—

(a)±0.005mm for machines with total length of axis travel of not greater than 300mm;

(b)±(0.005 + (0.002/300 x (L — 300))mm for machines with a total length of axis travel greater than 3,300mm;

(ii)not more than two axes capable of simultaneously co-ordinated contouring motion;;

(ii)in the same entry, in the exception to head (1), in sub-head (b), for the words “sub-head (a)” there shall be substituted the words “sub-heads (a) and (aa)”;

(e)in Group 3B of Part II of Schedule 1, in entry IL1129, IL1131 (Pumps), for head (2) there shall be substituted the following head—

(2) Other pumps designed to move molten metals by electromagnetic forces ... ... ... ...


(f)In Group 3D of Part II of Schedule 1, in entry IL1399 (Software for automatically controlled industrial systems to produce assemblies or discrete parts (except software in machine executable form for industrial sectors other than nuclear, aerospace, shipbuilding, heavy vehicles, machine building, microelectronics and electronics)), in head (1) (e), for the words “plasma arc equipment” there shall be substituted the words “electric arc devices and equipment”;

(g)in Group 3E of Part II of Schedule 1—

(i)in entry IL1416 (Ships, surface-effect vehicles, water-screw propellers, and specially designed components), for the first two lines there shall be substituted the following—

IL1416Ships, surface-effect vehicles, water-screw propellers and hub assemblies, water-screw propeller systems, moisture and particulate separator systems and specially designed components, the following—;

(ii)in the same entry, for head (13) there shall be substituted the following heads (13) and (14):

(13) Water-screw propellers and hub assemblies, the following—

(a)supercavitating propellers rated at more than 10,000hp ... ... ... ...


(b)controllable-pitch propeller and hub assemblies rated at more than 40,000hp capacity ... ... ... ...


(14) Water-screw propeller systems, the following—

(a)contrarotating propeller systems rated at more than20,000hp ... ... ... ...


(b)ventilated, base-ventilated and super-ventilated propellersystems ... ... ... ...


(c)systems employing pre-swirl and post-swirl techniques for smoothing the flow into a propeller to improve the propulsive efficiency of—

(i)SWATH vessels, hydrofoil vessels and surface-effectvessels; or ... ... ... ...


(ii)other vessels whose propeller rotational speed is greater than 200rpm, or having propellers with a rating greater than 50,000hp per shaft ... ... ... ...


(h)in Group 3F of Part II of Schedule 1—

(i)in entry IL1501 (Navigation, direction finding, radar and airborne communication equipment), in head (2)(d), the words “under crystal control” and “on alternating frequencies of 121.5 MHz and” shall be deleted;

(ii)in entry IL1510 (Marine or terrestrial acoustic or ultrasonic systems or equipment, using acoustic travel time differences, specially designed for positioning surface vessels or underwater vehicles, or for detecting or locating underwater or subterranean objects or features, and specially designed components of such systems or equipment, including but not limited to hydrophones, transducers, beacons, towed hydrophone arrays, beamformers and geophones, other than moving coil or moving magnet electromagnetic geophones, and specially designed software therefor), before head (1), there shall be inserted the word “except”;

(iii)in entry IL1520 (Radio relay communication equipment and specially designed test equipment and software), in head (1)(d), for sub-heads (ii) and (iii) there shall be substituted the following sub-heads—


3.4—4.2 GHz,

4.5—4.8 GHz

(iii)kU- and kA-band:

10.7—12.75 GHz;

(iv)in entry IL1522 (Lasers and laser systems and specially designed parts and components therefor (including amplification stages) and any equipment containing lasers or designed to contain lasers), in heads (2) (t)(i) and (ii), the word “not” shall be deleted;

(v)in entry IL1529 (Electronic equipment for testing, measuring (eg time interval measurement), calibrating or counting, or for microprocessor/microcomputer development), in head (5)(d), for the words “programmable instruments” there shall be substituted the words “instruments in which the functions can be controlled by the injection of digitally-coded electrical signals from an external source”;

(vi)for entry IL1542 there shall be substituted the following entry—


Cold cathode tubes and switches, as follows—

(1) Triggered spark gaps having an anode delay time of 15 microseconds or less and rated for a peak current of 3,000A or more, and components specially designed therefor and equipment incorporating such devices ... ... ... ...


(2) Cold cathode tubes, whether gas-filled or not, operating in a manner similar to a spark gap, containing three or more electrodes and having all of the following characteristics— ... ... ... ...

(a)rated for an anode peak voltage of 2,500V or more;

(b)rated for peak currents of 100A or more;

(c)an anode delay time of 10 microseconds or less; and

(d)an envelope diameter of less than 25.4mm.


(vii)entry IL1543 shall be deleted;

(viii)in entry IL1544 (Semiconductor diodes and dice and wafers therefor (except those specified elsewhere in this Schedule, or those made from germanium, selenium or copper oxide)), for the words “made from” in the second line, there shall be substituted the words “based on”;

(ix)in the same entry, head (8) shall be deleted;

(x)in entry IL1545 (Transistors and dice and wafers therefor (except photo-transistors which are specified in the entry in this Group relating to photosensitive components)), for head (2)(e) there shall be substituted the following head—

(e)majority carrier-type transistors, including but not limited to junction field-effect transistors (FETs) and metal-oxide semi-con-ductor transistors (MOS) ... ... ... ...

except field-effect transistors having—

(i)a maximum power dissipation of no more than 6W and an operating frequency not exceeding 1.0 GHz; or

(ii)a maximum power dissipation of no more than 1W and an operating frequency not exceeding 2.0 GHz


(xi)in the same entry, in head (2)(f), for “(f)”, “(1)”, “(2)”, and “(3)”, there shall be substituted “(3)”, “(a)”, “(b)” and “(c)” respectively;

(xii)in entry IL1548 (Photosensitive components, including linear and focal plane arrays), after the words “focal plane arrays” in the first line, there shall be inserted the words “and dice and wafers therefor”;

(xiii)in the same entry, before the exception, head (5) shall be deleted;

(xiv)in entry IL1558 (Valves and cathodes), after the word “Valves” in the first line there shall be inserted the words “(electronic), vacuum tubes”;

(xv)in the same entry, in head (2), for the word “magenetic” in the third line, there shall be substituted the word “magnetic”;

(xvi)in the same entry, in sub-head (b) of the exception to head (2), for “25kW” in the last line, there shall be substituted “35kW”;

(xvii)in entry IL1559 (Hydrogen/hydrogen isotope thyratrons of ceramic metal construction, and accessories therefor), in head (1), for “20 MW” there shall be substituted “12.5 MW”;

(xviii)in entry IL1564 (Electronic component assemblies, modules, printed circuit boards with mounted components, substrates and integrated circuits, including packages therefor), in head (1)(a)(v)(d), for “±10-5K” there shall be substituted “±10-5/K”;

(xix)in the same entry, in head (3)(b), after sub-head (iii), there shall be inserted the following additional sub-heads—

(iv)non-coherent light-emitting alphanumeric displays, incorporating monolithic integrated circuits which are used for decoding, controlling or driving the display and are not integral with the actual display device; or

(v)encapsulated photo-coupler (transopter) assemblies having electrical input and output, and where any incorporated light-emitting diode can only emit non-coherent light.;

(xx)in the same entry, for head (4)(b)(iv)(a) there shall be substituted the following head—

(a)specially designed for and by virtue of circuit design limited to use as serial digital shift registers;;

(xxi)in the same entry, head (4)(b)(xiii) shall be deleted;

(xxii)in the same entry, in head (4)(b)(xv), for the words “and/or” in the second line, there shall be substituted the word “or”;

(xxiii)in the same entry, in head (5)(e)(i), for the words “a case” there shall be substituted the words “an ambient”;

(xxiv)in the same entry, in head (6)(a), for “223K” there shall be substituted “233K”;

(i)in Group 3G of Part II of Schedule 1, after entry IL1568 (Amplifiers, electronic or magnetic, specially designed for use with resolvers), opposite the entry “Converters analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue, other than digital voltage measuring apparatus specified in Group 3F”, there shall be inserted “IL1568”;

(j)in Group 3I of Part II of Schedule 1—

(i)in entry IL1746 (Polymeric materials and manufacturers thereof), in head (3), for the words “0.022 Newtons” there shall be substituted the words “22.075 Newtons”;

(ii)in the same entry, for head (6) there shall be substituted the following head—

(6) Polyphosphazenes (polyphosphonitriles) ... ... ... ...


(iii)in the same entry, for head (7) there shall be substituted the following head—

(7) Polystyrylpyridine (PSP) ... ... ... ...


(iv)in the same entry, in head (10), after the word “ketones” there shall be added “(PEEK)”;

(v)in the same entry, after head (10), there shall be inserted the following additional heads—

(11) Polymeric products of butadiene, the following—

(a)carboxyl terminated polybutadiene, hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene, thiol terminated polybutadiene and cyclised 1, 2 — polybutadiene ... ... ... ...


(b)mouldable copolymers of butadiene and acrylic acid ... ... ... ...


(c)mouldable terpolymers of butadiene, acrylonitrile and acrylic acid or any of the homologues of acrylic acid ... ... ... ...


(12) Carboxyl terminated polyisoprene ... ... ... ...


(vi)in the entry Chemicals, in head (1), for the word “Chloreothanol” there shall be substituted the word “Chloroethanol”;

(vii)the entry Synthetic rubbers shall be deleted;

(k)in Group 4 of Part II of Schedule 1, after entry IL1399 (Technology for the design of automatically controlled industrial systems used with software as specified in the entry in Group 3D relating thereto, whether or not such other equipment or systems are specified), there shall be inserted the following additional entry—


Technology for reciprocating diesel engines, the following—


Technology for reciprocating diesel engine ground vehicle propulsion systems and specially designed software, the following—


having a box volume of 1.2mu23 or less;


having an overall power output greater than 750kW base on 80/1269/ECC, ISO 2534 or national equivalents;


having a power density greater than 700kW/mu23 of box volume.


Technology for solid or dry film cylinder wall lubrication permitting operation at temperatures greater than 450°C (723K) measured on the cylinder wall at the top limit of travel of the top ring of the pistons..

Eric Beston

An Assistant Secretary,

Department of Trade and Industry

19th August 1988

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1987.

Export control is:

(a)lifted on ash and residues containing copper, and copper waste and scrap, to Spain, and certain pumps;

(b)reduced in scope on beryllium, machine tools, electronic valves (magnetrons), light emitting alphanumeric displays, encapsulated photo-coupler assemblies and aromatic polyamides;

(c)extended in scope on waterscrew propeller systems and hydrogen/hydrogen isotope thyratrons;

(d)redefined on certain marine or terrestrial acoustic or ultrasonic systems, TVRO stations, electronic testing equipment, cold cathode tubes and triggered spark gaps, semiconductor diodes, printed circuit boards and amplifier monolithic integrated circuits;

(e)clarified in respect of certain software specially designed for automatically controlled industrial systems, direction finding equipment, electronic copiers, transistors, electronic valves, shift registers, bipolar microcircuit switches, encapsulated integrated circuits, converters, photosensitive components, polymeric materials and synthetic rubbers;

(f)introduced on technology for reciprocating diesel engines.


See S.I. 1970/1537.


S.I. 1987/2070.