The Agriculture (Calculation of Value for Compensation) Regulations 1978

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Compensation for improvements and other matters

  5. 4.Reduction of compensation

  6. 5.Revocations

  7. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      1. PART I

        1. 1 Mole drainage and works carried out to secure the efficient functioning thereof

          1. 1.(a) Where the moles discharge into a piped main drain,...

          2. 2.If the value of any work, calculated in accordance with...

        2. 2 Protection of fruit trees against animals

          1. The value shall be the reasonable cost of the protection,...

        3. 3

        4. 4 Clay burning

          1. The value shall be the reasonable cost of the work,...

        5. 5 Liming (including chalking) of land

          1. 1.Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) below, the value shall...

          2. 2.For the purpose of sub-paragraph (1) above, the cost shall...

          3. 3.(a) Where the soil characteristics and high excess winter rainfall...

          4. 4.In this paragraph and Table 1— (a) the expression “lime”...

        6. 6 Application to land of purchased manure and fertiliser, whether organic or inorganic

          1. A Purchased fertilisers containing nitrogen, phosphate or potash

            1. I.Fertilisers other than bulky organic manures: (1) Where no crop...

            2. II.Bulky organic manures brought on to the holding: Subject to...

          2. B Magnesium and copper

            1. 1.(a) (i) Subject to sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph, where...

            2. 2.(a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b) below, where copper (in whatever...

        7. 7.Consumption on the holding of corn (whether produced on the...

      2. PART II

        1. 8.Growing crops and severed or harvested crops and produce, being in either case crops or produce grown on the holding in the last year of the tenancy, but not including crops or produce which the tenant has a right to sell or remove from the holding

        2. 9.Seeds sown and cultivations, fallows and acts of husbandry performed on the holding at the expense of the tenant

        3. 10.Pasture laid down with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds, being either—(a) pasture laid down at the expense of the tenant otherwise than in compliance with an obligation imposed on him by an agreement in writing to lay it down to replace temporary pasture comprised in the holding when the tenant entered thereon which was not paid for by him; or (b) pasture paid for by the tenant on entering on the holding

        4. 11.Acclimatisation, hefting or settlement of hill sheep on hill land

        5. 12.Residual sod fertility value in certain districts

    2. SCHEDULE 2

  8. Explanatory Note