
Inebriate Reformatories

6Regulations as to certified inebriate reformatories

The Secretary of State may make regulations as to—

(a)the establishment, management, maintenance, and inspection of certified inebriate reformatories;

(b)the classification, treatment, employment, and control of the inmates of certified inebriate reformatories, and the application of their earnings ;

(c)the transfer of such inmates from one certified inebriate reformatory to another, their absence under licence, and their discharge; and

(d)the transfer of inmates from a State inebriate reformatory to a certified inebriate reformatory, or in special cases from a certified inebriate reformatory to a State inebriate reformatory,

and may thereby impose a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, for the breach of any such regulations.

In reckoning the period of detention of any person detained in a certified inebriate reformatory the time during which he is imprisoned under this section shall not be computed.