

105Salaries of certain Officers to be regulated.

Whereas by the Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-fifth, and Twenty-sixth Sections of the Act First and Second Victoria, Chapter One hundred and eighteen, and by the Third Section of the Act Twentieth and Twenty-first Victoria, Chapter Eighteen, certain Salaries were provided to certain therein-named Officers of the Court of Session and of the Bill Chamber of said Court, and of the Court of Commissioners for Teinds: So much of the said Sections of said Acts as fixes the Amounts of said Salaries respectively is hereby repealed ; and it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to grant to such Officers of the Court of Session and of the Bill Chamber of said Court, and of the Court of Commissioners for Teinds, such Salaries as to them shall seem proper, payable quarterly out of any Monies to be voted by Parliament for that Purpose, which Salaries shall come in lieu of the Salaries now payable, and of any Fees or other Allowances exigible by such Clerks.