Improvement of Land Act 1864

47Rivers, Canals, &c. protected.

All Works executed under the Authority of this Act in or connected with any River, Canal, or Inland Navigation, or the Banks or Towing-paths or Works thereof, vested in or under the Jurisdiction or Management of any Corporation, Conservators, Trustees, Commissioners, Undertakers, or Individuals, or in respect of the Navigation whereon or the Use whereof any such Corporation, Conservators, Trustees, Commissioners, Undertakers, or Individuals are entitled by virtue of any Act of Parliament to the Receipt of any Tolls or other Dues, shall be executed according to a Plan to be approved by such Corporation, Conservators, Trustees, Commissioners, Undertakers, or Individuals, and to be deposited at their Office, and such Works shall be executed, maintained, and performed to the reasonable Satisfaction of the Engineer for the Time being of such Corporation, Conservators, Trustees, Commissioners, Undertakers, or Individuals; and nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice or derogate from the Estates, Powers, Rights, Interests, Liberties, Privileges, or Franchises of such Corporation, Conservators, Trustees, Commissioners, Undertakers, or Individuals, or prohibit, defeat, alter, or diminish any Right, Power, Authority, or Jurisdiction which, at the Time of the passing of this Act, such Corporation, Conservators, Trustees, Commissioners, Undertakers, or Individuals did or might lawfully claim, use, or exercise.