
Duties and Powers of Vestries and District Boards

XCISaving as to Baths and Washhouses, Metropolitan Burials, Markets, and Charitable Trusts Acts.

Provided always, That, save as regards the Appointment of Auditors, nothing in this Act shall divest the Vestry of any Parish, or any Commissioners or Burial Board appointed by any Vestry, of any Powers or Property vested in them respectively under the Provisions of, the Act of the Session holden in the Ninth and Tenth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Seventy-four, or any Act amending the same, or under the Provisions of the Act of the Session holden in the Fifteenth arid Sixteenth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Eighty-five, bf any Act amending the same, or in anywise affect the Provisions of any of the said Acts; and nothing in this Act shall extend to or affect any Rights, Privileges, Powers, or Authorities vested in any Persons in reference to any Market, or any Powers or Rights for of in relation to the Administration of any Charitable Trusts', Save that any Powers or Rights in relation to any such Trusts vested or which would have become vested in the existing Vestry of any Parish shall be vested in the Vestry of such Parish as constituted by this Act.