
IXAward to be made.

After the Confirmation of such Resolutions as aforesaid the said Commissioners or an Assistant Commissioner shall frame an Award, in such Manner and with all such Formalities as are required by the said first-recited Act for a final Inclosure Award, and thereby, after reciting the Sums allowed by the said Commissioners, and paid for Expenses incurred in the Matter of the Inclosure, and in the Proceedings attendant thereon or incident thereto, or to the Sale of such Lands, or to the Improvement thereof for Purposes of Sale or otherwise, shall award and direct the Appropriation of the Surplus Monies, if any, in such Manner as to carry out the true Intent and Meaning of any Resolutions passed and confirmed as herein-before mentioned, or in default of any such confirmed Resolutions, then of the Appropriation of such Surplus in the Manner herein-before provided by this Act.