

XXXIVaults and Cellars under Streets not to be made without the Consent of the Commissioners.

No Building shall be erected over any Sewer belonging to the Commissioners, and no Vault, Arch, or Cellar shall be made under the Carriageway of any Street, without the Consent of the Commissioners first obtained in Writing, and all such Vaults, Arches, and Cellars shall be substantially made, and so as not to interfere or communicate with any Sewers belonging to the Commissioners; and if after the passing of the special Act any Building be erected, or any Vault, Arch, or Cellar be made, contrary to the Provisions herein contained, the Commissioners may demolish or fill up the same, and the Expences incurred thereby shall be paid by the Person erecting such Building, or making such Vault, Arch, or Cellar, and shall be recoverable as Damages.