

IXCommissioners shall appoint an Inspector of Nuisances.

The Commissioners shall appoint some Person, by the Title of " Inspector of Nuisances," to superintend and enforce the due Execution of all Duties to be performed by the Scavengers appointed under this or the special Act, and to report to the Commissioners any Breach of the Provisions of this or the special Act, or of any Act incorporated therewith, or of the Bye Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Commissioners, and the Existence of any Nuisances within the Limits of the special Act; and the Commissioners shall duly publish the Name of any Inspector of Nuisances appointed by them, and shall require him to provide and keep a Book in which shall be entered all reasonable Complaints made by any Householder of the District within the Limits of the special Act of any Breach of the Provisions of this or the special Act, or of any Act incorporated therewith, or of the Bye Laws, Rules, and Regulations made by the Commissioners for the Preservation of due Order and Cleanliness or for the Suppression of Nuisances; and the Inspector of Nuisances.: shall forthwith inquire into the Truth of such Complaints, and report upon the same to the Commissioners at their next Meeting; and such Report and the Order of the Commissioners thereon shall be entered in the said Book, which shall be kept at the Office of the Commissioners, and shall be open at all reasonable Times to the Inspection of any Inhabitant of the said District or other Person interested; and ;t shall be the Duty of such Inspector of Nuisances, subject to the Direction of the Commissioners, to make Complaints before Justices, and take legal Proceedings for the Punishment of any Person who has committed any Offence under this or the special Act, or under any Bye Laws made by virtue thereof.